Sophie's Stormy Summer

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 1 March 2005
Is this the end of childhood? When a serious illness strikes one of the Flakes, the others can't daydream their way out of the shocking news. Instead they rally 'round and find that friends-and faith-show the way to a new adventure called growing up.

Sophie's First Dance

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 1 March 2005
The Corn Flakes are in a tizzy about the end-of-school dance-they might actually have to deal with the Fruit Loops (boys), and that's causing them all kinds of friction. Will the Flakes break up, or can Sophie direct a happy ending?

In this revised edition, bestselling author Nancy Rue provides a guide on how to deal with girl politics, God-style.

Yesterday you were BFFs, planning to attend the same college and be in each other’s weddings. Today you sat down at the lunch table and she got up and left without a word, taking other friends with her, and giggling as they walked away. Your teacher says ignore her, your mom says talk to her, and your dad says, “It’s just what kids do.” You’re angry, hurt, and wondering, what happened? When is it just a girl thing, and when is it more? Girl Politics has all the info on friends, bullies, frenemies, and more, with real-life examples, conversation starters, Internet tactics, and tips to protect yourself—God style—Revised and updated with more examples from real girls, tackling more issues relevant in today’s media-driven world.

Dear Nancy

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 9 September 2008
You’ve got mail … lots of it! Author Nancy Rue loves getting letters from her readers, but finding the time to answer them has always been a challenge. Dear Nancy was born from a desire to connect with readers in-depth by really answering their questions, particularly the ones she gets asked over and over, like, “How did you become a writer?” and “What’s your favorite Scripture verse?” for example. Readers want more than just tips on writing, though—they want to know about Sophie and Lily, about boys and friends, about growing up, and even more about Nancy herself. So here’s a peek into Nancy’s mailbox with answers on topics that are closest to tween girls’ hearts.

Now that you’re not a little girl anymore you’d love to move beyond cheap lip gloss into the high-fashion world of smudge-proof lipstick, lash-lengthening mascara, and that flirty eye shadow advertised in magazines—because that’s what it takes to be beautiful these days, right?Hang on a sec! One step at a time. In this book you’ll learn not only how to wield those makeup brushes but also how to take care of yourself as you change, from keeping your skin and hair glowing and healthy to finding your own unique style. And you’ll get in on the BIG secret: that true beauty is revealed as you grow closer to God and learn to wow the world by just being you.

Sophie Loves Jimmy

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 18 April 2006
Sophie doesn't see why a rumor that isn't true should stop her from being Jimmy's friend-but when even the Corn Flakes start to believe the whispers, she is hurt to the core. Now it's an open question whether she and the rest of the Flakes can ever be friends again!

Sophie's World

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 29 August 2004
When future film director Sophie LaCroix visits Williamsburg, Virginia, her imagination sends her straight into the eighteenth century. An unlikely heroine, Sophie's forced to use her new-found war tactics to foil a heinous plot and save a friend from impending humiliation by the popular girls.

Sophie and Friends

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 8 April 2013

Meet Sophie LaCroix, a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. This bindup includes two-books-in-one.

Sophie’s First Dance: Sophie and her friends, the Corn Flakes, are in a tizzy over the end-of-school dance – especially when invitations start coming – from boys! Will the Flakes break up, or can Sophie direct a happy ending?

Sophie’s Stormy Summer: One of the Flakes is struck with cancer, and Sophie severely struggles with the shocking news, until she finds that friends – and faith – show the way to a new adventure called growing up.

Are you ready to blossom?

Faith is like a flower. In order to grow, it needs soil, water, and sun-food for the spirit. That's just what this devotional is. Spiritual food to help your faith grow strong and beautiful.

Featuring 365 days of wisdom from your favorite Faithgirlz! authors, as well as quotes and questions from real girls like you, this devotional offers pages of inspiration on everything from navigating friendships, to taming the tongue, to trusting God in everything, big and small. Growing up can be tough, but Jesus is guiding you every step of the way.

Beauty of Believing combines the talents of Faithgirlz! authors Tasha K. Douglas, Mona Hodgson, Kristi Holl, Lois Walfred Johnson, Allia Zobel Nolan, and Nancy Rue, and their words of wisdom will help your faith bloom and flourish as you grow into the girl God wants you to be.

Sophie Steps Up

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 30 August 2009

Sophie LaCroix is a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. This bindup includes two-books-in-one, Sophie Under Pressure and Sophie Steps Up.

Sophie Gets Real

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 12 May 2009
How can God let bad things happen? Sophie's baby sister, Hope, is born with Down syndrome, and the Flakes dis her over an annoying new girl. Even her research as medical expert Dr. Devon Downing won't fix things, but Sophie learns love is at work even when she can't see it.

In this fun and interactive book from bestselling author Nancy Rue, all the questions girls 8 to 12 ask about their changing bodies and growing up are answered, along with advice and health tips designed to help you become the confident, beautiful young woman God created you to be.

Whether you’re noticing new curves and hair growing where it never did before, or feel like your emotions are always on the surface, you likely have a lot of questions about what is going on inside you … and what it means. No matter how big the question or how embarrassing it may sound, Nancy Rue is here with answers.

Inside You! A Christian Girl’s Guide to Growing Up, you’ll discover:

  • honest answers to your changing-body questions
  • health and beauty tips
  • quizzes and journaling space to help you figure out where you are in your puberty journey
  • medical and spiritual facts on the things you wonder about
  • advice from girls like you who have been where you are

Most importantly, you’ll discover the true beauty that is revealed as you grow closer to God, and all the things you’re going through are actually part of his plan for the beautiful, confident, grown-up you!

You! A Christian Girl’s Guide to Growing Up:

  • can be used as a supplement to school health classes
  • looks at puberty from a Christian perspective
  • helps make adolescence understandable and manageable for young girls
  • features a conversational tone and fun features

Growing up is tough, especially when you have to deal with peer pressure, changing friendships, and deciding who you really are inside when everything around you (and the feelings inside you) seems to change throughout the day. Bestselling middle grade author Nancy Rue knows what you’re going through, and this book is filled with quizzes, activities, journaling space, advice, as well as quotes from girls who are experiencing the same inner questions—all with the goal of helping you uncover the unique, confident you God made you to be.

Have you ever gotten the advice, “Just be yourself”? But that advice is hard to follow when you’re not even sure who “yourself” really is. Especially when who you are seems to change depending on whether you are with your friends, your family, or your crush. And there are some parts of yourself even you haven’t figured out yet! In Everyone Tells Me to Be Myself but I Don’t Know Who I Am, surveys, helpful tips, interactive journaling space to figure out your thoughts and record your self-discoveries, and quotes from girls asking the same “Who am I, really?” questions combine to help you start your journey toward figuring out exactly who the real you is inside—and the reasons why God created you with the personality, passions, and quirks he did. Because once you discover your true, authentic self, you will want to share it with the world!

Everybody Tells Me to Be Myself but I Don’t Know Who I Am:

  • Is written specifically for girls eight to thirteen
  • Combines solid advice, meaningful questions, and fun, engaging activities to help middle school and early teen girls uncover who they are inside, and grow the confidence to be true to themselves in any situation
  • Contains journaling space directly in the book
  • Can also be used in group settings like GEMS, American Heritage Girls, group studies, or mentorship settings
  • Comes from the Faithgirlz brand, which presents clean and inspiring books for tween girls

Sophie and the New Girl

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 1 May 2009
Sophie's back with more middle-school adventures! The just-formed film club has brought a new girl into the Flakes' orbit: Phoebe is witty, fun, and an awesome actress, but then the girls discover she harbors a prejudice against one of their own. When this same girl is accused of theft, the Pops-and even some of the Flakes-are only too happy to turn against her. And when Dr. Peter suggests that Sophie has a Christian responsibility to try to understand Phoebe, Sophie's ready to throw up her hands. But then the absolute truth dawns: God wants us to reach out to those who are lost-even if it makes us uncomfortable. Armed with insight, Sophie puts faith into action and gains a friend in the process.

Sophie Flakes Out

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 5 April 2013

Meet Sophie LaCroix, a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. From best-selling author, Nancy Rue, comes two-in-one bindups of the popular Sophie series.

Sophie Flakes Out: Sophie wants more privacy like her friend Willoughby, who has plenty, until Willoughby’s father finds out about her fast, new friends. His harsh punishment makes Sophie wonder what rules they need to follow.

Sophie Loves Jimmy: Sophie doesn’t get why a rumor should stop her from being Jimmy’s friend – until the Corn Flakes start believing the whispers. Now Sophie wonders how she and the Flakes can ever be friends again!


Meet Sophie

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 8 April 2013

Meet Sophie LaCroix, a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. This bindup includes two-books-in-one.


Sophie’s World: Future film director Sophie LaCroix visits Williamsburg, Virginia, where her imagination sends her into the eighteenth century, and she learns old battle techniques from Colonial times. Once home, her new-found war tactics come to the rescue when she uncovers a plot by the popular girls to humiliate Sophie’s friend.


Sophie’s Secret: Sophie and her friends launch an “archaeological expedition” and make a disturbing discovery. Sophie uncovers a shocking family secret. In light of this new revelation, will she ever be able to trust her parents again?

Sophie's Drama

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 8 April 2013

Sophie LaCroix is a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. This bindup includes two-books-in-one, Sophie’s Drama and Sophie Gets Real.

Sophie's Friendship Fiasco

by Nancy N. Rue

Published 8 April 2013

Meet Sophie LaCroix, a creative soul with a desire to become a great film director someday, and she definitely has a flair for drama! Her overactive imagination frequently lands her in trouble, but her faith and friends always save the day. From best-selling author, Nancy Rue, comes two-in-one bindups of the popular Sophie series.

Sophie’s Friendship Fiasco: Sophie tries living up to other’s expectations, but lately she’s letting everyone down. When she misrepresents the Flakes – with good intentions – she loses their friendship. Will they ever forgive her?

Sophie and the New Girl: Sophie likes the new girl who joins the film club. She’s witty and unique, even if she is a bit bizarre. When the camera goes missing, the other Flakes are quick to accuse. Will Sophie be able to identify the real thief?