True To Form

by Elizabeth Berg

Published 1 June 2002
Set in 1961, Katie, the central character of this story, is facing a summer full of conflict. Her father has arranged two awful babysitting jobs for her and, worse still, she has been forcibly inducted into a dreadful girl scout troop by her friend's clueless mother.

Talk Before Sleep

by Elizabeth Berg

Published 12 April 1994
What do women talk about when they know they don't have forever? They talk about what they have always talked about, only they go deeper and are more honest; with outrageous humour they try to mitigate pain. Intimate and uncensored sharing is at the heart of this deeply moving novel about the grit and power of female friends. Ann and Ruth have always talked as only great friends can - honestly, and about everything- husbands and marriages, sex lives and children, their work, their hopes, their disappointments, and their dreams. For Ann, cautious and conventional, her closeness to the outspoken and eccentric Ruth brings about discovery, a chance to say whatever she wants, and, most important, under the insistent tutelage of Ruth, to become herself. Over the years, the women have shared recipes, child care, delicate and dangerous secrets and each rests secure in the knowledge that they will be friends forever. Then Ruth is diagnosed with cancer, and everything changes; the women begin to share something more profound than either of them might have predicted. Written with an unerring ear for how women talk, laugh, and cry together, and with a gift for capturing the magical uni

Range of Motion.

by Elizabeth Berg

Published 1 August 1995
As Jay lies in a coma, his young wife, Lainey, is the only one who believes he will ever recover. As Lainey tries to cope she is sustained by friendship, from Alice her neighbour, and by the spirit of Evie, a woman from the 1940s who has taken up residence in Lainey's house.

Patty Murphy is facing that pivotal point in a woman's life when her biological clock ticks as insistently as a beating heart. Will she find Mr. Right and start a family? But Patty is in love--with a man who is not only attractive and financially sound, but sensitive and warmhearted. There's just one small problem: He is also gay.

Against her better judgment, and pleas from family and friends, Patty refuses to give up on Ethan. Every man she dates ultimately leaves her aching for the gentle comfort and intimacy she shares with him. But even as she throws eligible bachelors to the wayside to spend yet another platonic night with Ethan, Patty longs more and more for the consolation of loving and being loved. In the meantime she must content herself with waiting--until the real thing comes along. . . .