Notes on Camus' "Plague"

by Gary Carey

Published 13 February 1967
Nobel prize-winning Albert Camus was an existentialist whose view of humanity and the human condition suffered from a large brushstroke of bleakness. This book concerns a doctor who is called to care for people during a growing epidemic.

Shakespeare's Minor Plays

by Gary Carey

Published November 1991
Summaries and critical commentaries, including Henry VI, parts 1, 2, 3 ; Titus Andronicus ; King John ; The merry wives of Windsor ; All's well that ends well ; Coriolanus ; Troilus and Cressida ; Timon of Athens ; Pericles ; Cymbeline ; Henry VIII.

This is the Nobel Prize-winning author's powerful story of an old man who conquers a magnificent fish, endures its heartbreaking loss, and rises gallantly above his defeat. Though it is a small book, it is a jewel.