Book 11

Don't Tell a Soul

by Beth Cruise

Published 31 May 1994
The Bayside High gang is not sure if honesty is the best policy when Kelly tries to break into an acting career, despite a lack of natural talent, while Lisa discovers that one of the town's founders was a racist.

Book 17

Scene One, Take Two

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 March 1995
Jessie's afraid she's ruined any chance she has with Slater when she tries to help him win a video contest but ends up arguing over the topic: organic farming or cheerleaders. Meanwhile, Zack decides it's time to win Kelly back. With a little advice from Lisa on true romance, he just might succeed.

Book 24

Book 25

No 10

Kelly's Hero

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 October 1993

No 6

Class Trip Chaos

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 October 1992
Excitement and romance abound when the Bayside High gang arrives in New York City on their senior class trip.

No 2

Zack Strikes Back

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 July 1992
The "Saved by the Bell" gang suffers from the mid-semester blues, until a prankster strikes at Bayside High.


Fireside Manners

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 May 1995
When the gang agrees to chaperone some 10-year-olds on a camping trip, Zack thinks the best place to seal his love for Kelly is beside a fire under the stars. Unfortunately, he soon discovers camping with these kids won't give him much time to make romance.


Picture Perfect

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 July 1995
Lisa's taking her dieting way too far, and the gang is worried something serious may be wrong. They're not sure what to do to help their friend until Screech does some research and comes up with a plan to convince Lisa that she's perfect just the way she is.

Saved by the Bell #23

by Cameron Cruise

Published 1 February 1996


Silver Spurs

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 February 1994
The "Saved by the Bell" gang heads out to a New Mexican dude ranch for a weekend of fun that is soon complicated by Zack's being mistaken for a rodeo star and Jessie's suspicions of the ranch owner's past.


Best Friend's Girl

by Beth Cruise

Published 30 August 1994
Slater and Kelly begin a tentative romance when their feelings for Jessie and Zack change.

No 15

Zack in Action

by Beth Cruise

Published 31 October 1994
The Bayside High gang continues to have romance problems, and Zack falls for an exotic Zoldavian transfer student who may be a spy.


Surf's up!

by Beth Cruise

Published 1 August 1995
In their campaign against privatization of the Palisades beaches, Jessie and the Green Teens organize a Save the Cove Festival complete with a volleyball competition.