You've probably heard of a few inventors and their bright ideas...Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone. George Stevenson and his Rocket (which was really a train). John Logie Baird and his television. But have you heard that...Bell didn't invent the phone, but he did make a weird machine out of hay and a human ear. Stevenson didn't invent the train, but he did spend a lot of time collecting gas in bladders. Baird's telly was useless, and so were his thermostatic socks? Yes, even though they're dead, inventors are still full of surprises. Everything you ever wanted to know about Inventors and their bright ideas.

Everybody knows that Albert Einstein was the smartest scientist in the universe and that he also had some very bad hair days. But in this "Horribly Famous" title readers can find out everything they didn't know, including how Albert was actually expelled from school, and how he was spied on by the Nazis and the FBI. With Albert's lost notebook readers can at last get inside his super-brain, and in "The News of the Universe", they can get to grips with all his amazing theories without making their brains hurt.

Even though they're dead, the scientists in this "Horribly Famous" title are still full of surprises. Not only did Darwin come up with the theory of evolution, but he also wrote a book about his pet worms! And Isaac Newton wasn't all that keen on science - sometimes it got on his nerves! Readers can find out everything they ever wanted to know, and more, about their favourite seriously super scientists.