Rookery Nook

by Ben Travers

Published November 1977
Gerald rents Rookery Nook where his wife, Clara, will join him later. He is agreeably surprised by a pretty stranger called Rhoda who comes running to him for protection against her irascible German stepfather. Gerald allows her to stay in one of the bedrooms but as she is clad only in pyjamas, it is vital to conceal her presence from nosy neighbours. Rhoda gets herself some clothes just in time before Clara arrives but Gerald has some difficulty in convincing Clara of his innocence.6 women, 5 men


by Ben Travers

Published 27 March 2015

Sir Hector Benbow invites Cherry, a pretty shop assistant, to dine. Arriving home, he finds not only Cherry but Mrs Frush, to whom he has rented Thark, his niece’s Norfolk house. Mrs Frush complains Thark is haunted. To distract Lady Benbow's attention from Cherry, he suggests everyone go to Thark, which lives up to its spine-chilling reputation. A wild night, sinister butler and plethora of romantic mix-ups add to the lively proceedings.

Bed Before Yesterday

by Ben Travers

Published 1 July 1976
The Bed Before Yesterday is a comedy for four men and four women. Alma, a rich but physically far from lovely widow, has had no sexual experience since the sole, off-putting occasion of her wedding night some twenty years ago. She marries the impoverished gentleman, Victor, now equally uninterested in sexual activities, on the understanding that their relationship shall be based on friendship and convenience. However, various surprising circumstances, connected partly with Victor's son and unconventional girlfriend, and partly with her own free-and-easy cousin, warm up Alma's long-cooled fires, with unexpected, but presumably satisfying results for both her and her new husband.4 women, 5 men

After You with the Milk

by Ben Travers

Published October 1985