Final Demand

by Deborah Moggach

Published 4 October 2001

‘Final Demand is strong on narrative, dashing the reader along, but, though fast-paced and transparently written, nevertheless creates people of memorable complexity’ Independent

Natalie is a girl who should be going somewhere. Beautiful, bright and ambitious, she’s stuck in a dead-end job in the accounts department of Nu-Line Telecommunications, living her life through wild weekends and yearning for something more.

When she sees a chance to change her life, she takes it. After all, it’s only a minor crime. Nobody’s going to get hurt. But other people do get hurt, because Natalie’s actions do have consequences – tragic consequences. Poignant and beautifully written, Final Demand is a cautionary tale about the battle between greed and love, about human hopes and our own frailty in the face of temptation.

‘A chilling, impeccably plotted novel’ Cosmopolitan

Powerful…vividly evoked’ Sunday Times

Driving in the Dark

by Deborah Moggach

Published 13 June 1988
A humorous novel about Desmond who, thrown out by his wife, decides to search for his 11 year old son, Edward, a result of a brief liaison years before. The story follows his journey through contemporary Britain and the characters he meets. Serialization and a television series is under negotiation. Deborah Moggach has written six novels, including "To Have and to Hold" and "Smile".

Close Relations

by Deborah Moggach

Published 17 March 1997

‘A witty and intelligent tale about the terrifying, seductive lie of stability – emotional, physical, financial, sexual’ Mail on Sunday

Gordon Hammond, sixty-five, a builder who has built up his own, modestly successful business, has a heart attack. Whilst recovering in hospital he falls in love with April, a young black nurse, and leaves Dorothy, his wife of 45 years to set up home with her.

Dorothy is released like a loose cannon into the lives of her three daughters and chaos ensues. More relationships break up, passions run high and dramatic developments ensue that will change the Hammond family forever.

Close to Home

by Deborah Moggach

Published 29 March 1979
At 23 Brinsley Street, Kate Cooper struggles with her two babies, the household chores and an effort of keeping up her appearances for her high-flying husband. Next-door, Sam Green struggles with his novel, his wife goes out to work and his self-absorbed daughter strives to keep up the appearance of a teenager. As the long, hot summer draws on, a heady brew of magic and mischief awaits them all.

The Ex-wives

by Deborah Moggach

Published 29 April 1993
Actor Russell Buffery, with three ex-wives, has only a dog for company - until he meets Celeste, a young girl who works in the local chemist shop, and who appears to hold the prescription for the elixir of Buffy's lost youth. But Celeste is systematically researching Buffy's ex-wives and children.