An easy-to-use tutorial on Netscape Communicator, this text covers all of its new features, as well as tried and true Navigator basics. The book explores Communicator's e-mail facility and discusses its new audio technology that allows users to conduct audio conferences over their PC. Communicator is a desktop programme that enables users to browse the Net, send e-mail, co-ordinate meeting schedules and allow co-workers to collaborate on documents.

This tutorial/reference takes the user to the Internet via Windows 98. It focuses on the Internet features of Windows 98, and the integration of Internet Explorer and the Active Desktop. It explains how to make the most of Internet technologies such as push technology, avatar chats, agents and video-conferencing. The enclosed CD-ROM includes Internet service provider software so that readers can establish their own connections. As well as containing a synopsis of each chapter, tests and a trouble-shooting guide, the disk includes Internet applications like the Eudora Light e-mail program, Paint Shop Pro, WinZip and Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Here is a handy, easy-to-use tutorial that provides hands-on learning for any user interested in learning WordPerfect "X" for Windows. Users get clear instruction that will help them quickly and efficiently learn this popular word processing software. In the bestselling For Dummies tradition, the book also provides lots of tips and shortcuts for even faster learning.