Eloise in Moscow

by Kay Thompson

Published 1 March 2000
Odd Couple Invade Russia and Produce Best-seller

When Kay Thompson (with Hilary Knight in tow) swept through Moscow at the height of the Cold War, the Russians didn't know what hit them. No one could have predicted that this small masterpiece would be the result. First published in 1959 and out of print for more than three decades, their fourth book about Eloise is DELICIOUS.


by Kay Thompson

Published 1 January 1985
Eloise lives with her nanny at The Plaza Hotel in New York. The daughter of extremely rich parents, she is left daily to her own devices. She knows everything about The Plaza and everyone in it. Henry James would want to study her. Queen Victoria would recognise her as an Equal. The New York Jets would want to have her on their side. Lewis Carroll would love her (once he got over the initial shock). Her antics are hilarious, her characterisation of those around her, perfect and whether you are about to fall in love with Eloise or you already adore her, you ought to have this book.

Eloise Takes A Bawth

by Kay Thompson

Published 4 November 2002
While Nanny dear unsuspectingly watches her soap opera, and Mr Salomone, the Plaza's manager, prepares for the charity event of the year, a Masked Venetian Ball, Eloise takes a bawth. She bolts the bathroom door with a backbrush and turns on every faucet and tap in sight and begins her willful water mischief in a glamorous fantasy bath world complete with Skipperdee and Weenie to boot. SLAWSH! The Plaza has flooded! The Grand Ball Room is in pandemonium! Who? Who? Who is the culprit? Mr Salomone and the Plaza head engineer follow the flow of water and discover that the trouble began with a certain precocious little girl up on the very top floor - none other than our very own favourite Eloise, who of course, as only she can, manages to turn the catastrophe into a fantastic sensation and be crowned Little mermaid of the Masked Venntian Ball. Belissimo!

Eloise At Christmastime

by Kay Thompson

Published 1 October 1999
A timeless classic, Eloise at Christmastime is the perfect gift for sharing within any family.

Join fun-loving Eloise as she explores New York City with this Ready-to-Read carry-along boxed set that includes six beloved books!

Ever since Eloise burst onto the scene at The Plaza Hotel in 1955, fans young and old have been charmed by her many heartwarming and hilarious adventures. Now young readers can take home Eloise’s touching and time-honored adventures like never before!

This beautiful carry-along boxed set includes:
Eloise Throws a Party!
Eloise Skates!
Eloise Visits the Zoo
Eloise and the Dinosaurs
Eloise’s Pirate Adventure
Eloise at the Ball Game

Eloise in Paris

by Kay Thompson

Published 1 October 1991
Back in print after thirty-five years with Hilary Knight\rquote s original illustrations, Kay Thompson\rquote s irrepressible six-year-old, Eloise, is about to leave her room at the Plaza Hotel, New York, and fly, accompanied by her entourage - her nanny, her dog and her turtle - to Paris. No one knows how to enjoy herself quite like Eloise, and the French capital has all the attractions necessary for a precocious young lady of her refined tastes.

In 1957 on the set of Funny Face Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight first thought Eloise might go to Hollywood

Now forty-nine years later she'll finally have her silver screen debut

It's rawther extraordinary really
with apes and biplanes and thrills
and starring of course ELOISE

Here's the thing of it dahlings
Buy your popcorn now
and do find a seat quickly
The show is about to start
And you absolutely
cawn't miss it!

Just in time for her 60th anniversary, Eloise fans are sure to adore this Ready-to-Read boxed set that includes six beloved stories!

Ever since Eloise burst onto the scene at the Plaza Hotel in 1955, fans young and old have been charmed by her many heartwarming and hilarious adventures. Now young readers can take home Eloise's touching and time-honored adventures like never before! This beautiful carry-along boxed set is filled with six favorite Ready-to-Read tales including Eloise Breaks Some Eggs, Eloise Has a Lesson, Eloise at the Wedding, Eloise and the Very Secret Room, Eloise and the Snowman, and Eloise's New Bonnet.

Eloise's Christmas Trinkles

by Kay Thompson

Published 2 October 2007
Determined to spread Christmas cheer throughout the Plaza Hotel, six-year-old Eloise "decorates" the halls, distributes unusual gifts to the staff, and surprises the fifth floor guests with her joyful caroling.