The Science of Mind

by John BASCOM

Published 20 May 2009
Bascom's teachings preconfigured the teachings of 19th Century New Thought such as Unity and Divine Science. Some believe that Bascom is timeless because of his belief in the "Unity of Mind and Matter", others because of his teaching that "the physical universe is a product of God's thought", others because of his demonstration of health, living to the age of 84 despite physical challenges that brought others to an early demise. Bascom taught that "Physical forces throughout all time are permeated and carried forward by spiritual forces." Bascom's idea that there is "a system of laws which sustain one another and completely cover all the phenomena of the world," was later echoed by Ernest Holmes in the opening of his pamphlet: Lessons in Spiritual Mind Healing. Perhaps what makes Bascom timeless is his teaching that: "Man is both created and creator. A creature of God, he is free to work with God from this time forth." A concept later embodied in New Thought "co-creation".