Book 20

no. 23 (A/62/23) Session 62: supplement

Session 57, Supplement 5

Session 58, Supplement 46

The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) assesses the levels and effects of exposure-ionizing radiation. It consolidates and summarizes, in simple terms, the Committee's detailed understanding on the epidemiological and mechanistic studies for assessing radiation to induced cancer, heritable effects of radiation exposure, and radiation to associated non-cancer diseases as presented in previous reports to the General Assembly.

Session 56, supplement 38

Official records of the Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Forty-fourth Session (20 July to 7 August 2009) Forty-Fifth Session (18 January to 5 February 2010).

Session 54, Supplement 34.

Year 55

Session 58, Supplement 20

2002, Supplement 15

Session 57, Supplement 5A

Session 58, Supplement 22

Session 57, Supplement 32

Official Records of the Report of the Committee on Conferences for 2010.

Session 58, Supplement 37

Session 55, supplement 15

Session 58, Supplement 25

Session 57, Supplement 5J

Session 58, supplement 8

Session 57, Supplement 5D