Leapfrogs Lesson Plans expand on the successful series of teaching that help non-specialist primary teacher to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes to help teach imaginatively and effectively. Each book will cover the NC requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections. The titles contain invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance in the school curriculum in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment.

PE Lesson Plans Year 6

by Jim Hall

Published 1 April 2009
New editions of the successful series of teaching plans to help non-specialist primary teachers to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes, to help teach imaginitively and effectively. Each book covers the National Curriculum requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections. A specially designed music CD is sold separately to accompany the series and delivers musical accompaniment to the dance sections of each book. Leapfrogs are packed with invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance to the school curriculum, in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. New material in the new editions: How to structure a first lesson with a new class; Using 'themes' in PE (including body parts/body shapes/space/partner work/sequences); and Progressing gymnastic activities. The introductory material has been revised, examining the importance of PE in improving the health and wellbeing of children. Also includes a CD of all lesson plans in PDF format for ease of use."
These lesson plans are a godsend for those of us with no specialism in PE in the primary School. Each covers a whole year from Foundation Stage to Year 6." The Teacher 'Any teacher following Jim Hall's advice on lesson planning will be ensuring that their pupils have a high quality of experience in physical education which should mean instilling in them a love of sport and physical activity for life.' Kate Hoey MP

This is an essential guide to organising athletics activities at the junior school level. Detailed lesson plans are given for Years 3-6, which can be used as they are or adapted by the teacher for their own particular needs. All material is compliant to National Curriculum requirements. Leapfrogs are a successful series of teaching resources that help the non-specialist infant and junior teacher to implement the PE curriculum. Each title contains invaluable information on necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, cross-curriculur links and assessment.

PE Lesson Plans Year 3

by Jim Hall

Published 1 April 2009
New editions of the successful series of teaching plans to help non-specialist primary teachers to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes, to help teach imaginitively and effectively. Each book covers the National Curriculum requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections. A specially designed music CD is sold separately to accompany the series and delivers musical accompaniment to the dance sections of each book. Leapfrogs are packed with invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance to the school curriculum, in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. New material in the new editions: How to structure a first lesson with a new class; Using 'themes' in PE (including body parts/body shapes/space/partner work/sequences); and Progressing gymnastic activities. The introductory material has been revised, examining the importance of PE in improving the health and wellbeing of children. Also includes a CD of all lesson plans in PDF format for ease of use."
These lesson plans are a godsend for those of us with no specialism in PE in the primary School. Each covers a whole year from Foundation Stage to Year 6." The Teacher 'Any teacher following Jim Hall's advice on lesson planning will be ensuring that their pupils have a high quality of experience in physical education which should mean instilling in them a love of sport and physical activity for life.' Kate Hoey MP

Games for Infants

by Jim Hall

Published 29 February 1996
The innovative Leapfrogs" series helps the non-specialist infant teacher implement the physical education curriculum. Each title contains information on necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. Detailed monthly lesson plans and accompanying notes guide and advise teachers on lesson content, and on the process of planning, performing and evaluating, in line with national curriculum requirements. Games for Infants features stimulating ideas to help the teacher engage children in vigorous, enjoyable, varied and progressive physical activity, practising and developing ways of sending, receiving and travelling with a ball and other similar games equipment. It also stimulates running, chasing, avoiding, dodging and awareness of space."

PE Lesson Plans Year 2

by Jim Hall

Published 1 April 2009
New editions of the successful series of teaching plans to help non-specialist primary teachers to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes, to help teach imaginitively and effectively. Each book covers the National Curriculum requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections.A specially designed music CD is sold separately to accompany the series and delivers musical accompaniment to the dance sections of each book. Leapfrogs are packed with invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance to the school curriculum, in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. New material in the new editions: How to structure a first lesson with a new class; Using 'themes' in PE (including body parts/body shapes/space/partner work/sequences); and Progressing gymnastic activities. The introductory material has been revised, examining the importance of PE in improving the health and wellbeing of children. Also includes a CD of all lesson plans in PDF format for ease of use."
These lesson plans are a godsend for those of us with no specialism in PE in the primary School. Each covers a whole year from Foundation Stage to Year 6." The Teacher 'Any teacher following Jim Hall's advice on lesson planning will be ensuring that their pupils have a high quality of experience in physical education which should mean instilling in them a love of sport and physical activity for life.' Kate Hoey MP

PE Lesson Plans Year 1

by Jim Hall

Published 1 April 2009
New editions of the successful series of teaching plans to help non-specialist primary teachers to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes, to help teach imaginitively and effectively. Each book covers the National Curriculum requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections. A specially designed music CD is sold separately to accompany the series and delivers musical accompaniment to the dance sections of each book. Leapfrogs are packed with invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance to the school curriculum, in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. New material in the new editions: How to structure a first lesson with a new class; Using 'themes' in PE (including body parts/body shapes/space/partner work/sequences); and Progressing gymnastic activities. The introductory material has been revised, examining the importance of PE in improving the health and wellbeing of children. Also now includes a CD of all lessons in PDF format for ease of use."
These lesson plans are a godsend for those of us with no specialism in PE in the primary school. Each covers a whole year from Foundation Stage to Year 6." The Teacher 'Any teacher following Jim Hall's advice on lesson planning will be ensuring that their pupils have a high quality of experience in physical education which should mean instilling in them a love of sport and physical activity for life.' Kate Hoey MP

Dance for Juniors

by Jim Hall

Published 30 September 1997
This work aims to engage children in composing and controlling their movements by varying shape, size, direction, level, speed, tension, and continuity. A number of dance forms from different times and places are covered, including some traditional dances of the British Isles. It also aims to show children how to express feelings, moods, ideas, responding to music, and creating simple characters and narratives in response to a range of stimuli through dance. It includes detailed lesson plans for years 3-7, and is up to date with the national curriculum. It also outlines both what to teach and how to teach it well.

Dance for Infants

by Jim Hall

Published 30 September 1997
This guide aims to engage children in developing control, co-ordination, balance, poise and elevation in the basic actions of travelling, jumping, turning and gesture and stillness. It aims to show them how to perform movements or patterns, including some from existing dance traditions. It also aims to show children how to express feelings, moods, ideas, responding to music, by using rhythmic responses and contrasts of speed, shape, direction and level. It includes detailed lesson plans for years 1-2, and is up to date with the national curriculum. It also outlines both what to teach and how to teach it well.

Games for Juniors

by Jim Hall

Published 31 August 1995
This is a series of teaching resources that will help the non-specialist junior teacher to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains information on necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, cross-curricular links, and assessment. Also included, detailed lesson plans and photocopiable activity sheets.

This is a physical education teaching resource that has been "road-tested" to provide well-structured, user-friendly information, ideas and practical help. It is intended that teachers will find the content useful in the planning, teaching and development of a school's games, gymnastic activities and dance lessons from Reception right through to year 6.

Gymnastic Activities for Infants

by Jim Hall

Published 29 February 1996
The innovative Leapfrogs" series helps the non-specialist infant teacher implement the physical education curriculum. Each title contains information on necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. Detailed monthly lesson plans and accompanying notes guide and advise teachers on lesson content, and on the process of planning, performing and evaluating, in line with National Curriculum requirements. This work features stimulating ideas to help the teacher to engage children in different ways of travelling on hands and feet, jumping and landing, rolling, balancing, upending, climbing and swinging on the floor and using apparatus. It links a series of actions together, and repeats and improves them."

Gymnastic Activities for Juniors

by Jim Hall

Published 31 August 1995
This is an series of teaching resources that will help the non-specialist junior teacher to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains information on necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, cross-curricular links, and assessment. Also included are detailed lesson plans and photocopiable activity sheets.

PE Lesson Plans Year 5

by Jim Hall

Published 1 April 2009
New editions of the successful series of teaching plans to help non-specialist primary teachers to implement the physical education curriculum. Each book contains photocopiable lesson plans, with additional teacher notes, to help teach imaginitively and effectively. Each book covers the National Curriculum requirements for each year, covering games, gymnastic activities and dance in clearly labelled sections. A specially designed music CD is sold separately to accompany the series and delivers musical accompaniment to the dance sections of each book. Leapfrogs are packed with invaluable information on how to teach PE, its value and importance to the school curriculum, in addition to necessary subject knowledge, teaching strategies, progression and achievement, and assessment. New material in the new editions: How to structure a first lesson with a new class; Using 'themes' in PE (including body parts/body shapes/space/partner work/sequences); and Progressing gymnastic activities. The introductory material has been revised, examining the importance of PE in improving the health and wellbeing of children. Also includes a CD of all lesson plans in PDF format for ease of use."
These lesson plans are a godsend for those of us with no specialism in PE in the primary School. Each covers a whole year from Foundation Stage to Year 6." The Teacher 'Any teacher following Jim Hall's advice on lesson planning will be ensuring that their pupils have a high quality of experience in physical education which should mean instilling in them a love of sport and physical activity for life.' Kate Hoey MP