Denna kortfattade bok ger en snabb introduktion och motivering till begreppen, strukturen och innehSllet I Rational Unified Process - en webbaserad utvecklingsprocess for programvara, som okar utvecklingsteamets produktivitet och forser alla dess medlemmar med baA A sta taA A nkbara praxis for programvaruutveckling. Rational Unified Process aA A r en unik produkt pS sS saA A tt att den fSr utvecklingsteamet att forstS alla fordelar med Unified Modeling Language (UML), automatisering och andra praxis inom programvaruindustrin.

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a saleable product from Rational/IBM.The RUP unifes the entire software development team and seeks to optimizethe productivity of each and every team member by putting the collectiveexperience derived from thousands of development projects and many industryleaders at the user's fingertips. It is a very popular product, and this bookrepresents the most thorough documentation for the latest version of theproduct (RUP v2003), which was released in May of 2003.