In the age of information overload, traditional time management techniques simply don't cut it when it comes to overflowing inboxes, ever-expanding to-do lists and endless, pointless meetings. Thankfully there is a better way: The Way of the Productivity Ninja.

Using techniques including Ruthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm and Stealth & Camouflage you will get your inbox down to zero, make the most of your attention, beat procrastination and learn to work smarter, not harder.

Written by one of the UK's foremost productivity experts, How to be a Productivity Ninja is a fun, accessible and practical guide to staying cool, calm and collected, getting more done, and learning to love your work again.

How to be a Study Ninja

by Graham Allcott

Published 3 August 2017

In the world of smartphones, instant internet access and on-demand documentaries, studying should be easier than ever. Yet all this background noise can make us unfocused and inefficient learners.

So how can you cut through the distractions and get back to productive, rewarding learning? Four little words: Think like a Ninja.

Paralysed by procrastination? Harness some Ninja Focus to get things started. Overwhelmed by exam nerves? You need some Zen-like Calm to turn those butterflies into steely focus. Surrounded by too many scrappy notes and unfinished to-do lists? Get Weapon-savvy with the latest organizational technology.

With nine Ninja techniques to learn, there is a solution here for everyone who wants to learn better - and they don't involve giving up the rest of your life.

Written by one of the world's foremost productivity experts, How to be a Study Ninja is a fun, accessible and practical guide on how to get the most out of your studying and love the quest for knowledge again.

'All the tips and techniques you need to stay calm, get through your tasks, make the most of your time and stop procrastinating. It's fun, easy to follow and practical - and may just be the kick up the bottom you need!' Closer

World-leading productivity expert Graham Allcott's business bible is given a complete update.

Do you waste too much time on your phone? Scroll through Twitter or Instagram when you should be getting down to your real tasks? Is your attention easily distracted? We've got the solution: The Way of the
Productivity Ninja.

In the age of information overload, traditional time management techniques simply don't cut it anymore. Using techniques including Ruthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm and Stealth & Camouflage, this fully
revised new edition of How to be a Productivity Ninja offers a fun and accessible guide to working smarter, getting more done and learning to love what you do again.

Is your inbox overloaded? Feel like your email is controlling your life?

You need the ninja way of email management!

In this short ebook, an edited extract from Graham Allcott's acclaimed How to be a Productivity Ninja, you'll learn the simple skills to get your inbox down to zero - and keep it there, day after day.

Following Allcott's straightforward advice, anyone - from a student to a Chief Executive - can keep on top of their messages and feel in command, calm and up to date. You'll learn to be ruthless, to separate thinking from doing, and how to make your email inbox work for you - and not the other way around!