Napoleon Hill is one of the world's most enduringly popular motivational authors. He spent much of his life researching the behaviours and activities of wealthy people to work out the characteristics that made them so successful. Through his interviews with hundreds of the most affluent men and women of his time he discovered that if we can learn to think like the rich we can start to emulate their success. In Think and Grow Rich Hill explained the thirteen simple steps in his formula for success, and by understanding and applying them you can change your life. The original version of Think and Grow Rich, which has sold 80 million copies worldwide, is a classic containing advice on everything from making your first million to leadership excellence and even maintaining loving relationships. It is unlikely that there is a personal development seminar anywhere on the planet that can't trace its roots back to Think and Grow Rich.
Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich by Karen McCreadie illustrates Hill's thirteen principles of achievement with modern case studies and reviews of recent scientific research to enable 21st century readers to learn how to manage their thinking and transform their quality of life. Readers will discover:
* Why you need to know your 'definite major purpose' in order to make progress;
* How remaining flexible can turn set-backs into success;
* The power of language and how widening your vocabulary can set you free;
* How to harness your subconscious and turn your dreams into reality;
* Why you don't need to know it all in order to succeed.
McCreadie's thoroughly up-to-date interpretation of Napoleon Hill's work is not a substitute for the 1937 original, but seeks to illustrate the timeless nature of Hill's extraordinary insights by bringing them to life with modern examples.

Sun Tzu's The Art of War

by Karen McCreadie

Published 18 April 2008
Sun Tzu's The Art of War has provided strategists with essential advice on battlefield tactics and management strategies for more than two thousand years. In recent years it has become a cult book for business leaders and essential reading for global entrepreneurs seeking to master strategy. In Sun Tzu's The Art of War Karen McCreadie expertly interprets Master Sun's war strategies for the (perhaps) less dangerous pursuit of business. Twenty-first century readers will discover:
* Why you need to know your market inside out for best results;
* Why discipline is the key to success;
* Why flexibility is crucial for making the most of new opportunities;
* Why you need to plan for best and worst-case scenarios;
* Why you need to cut delays and strike while the iron is hot.
This thoroughly up-to-date interpretation of Sun Tzu's work is not a substitute for the original, but seeks to illustrate the timeless nature of Master Sun's extraordinary insights by bringing them to life with modern business examples.

After overcoming an illness by what he believed to be subliminal means Robert Collier became fascinated with the power of the mind and how it can be used to create success in every area of life. Collier believed that one's subconscious mind is like a sleeping giant and once awoken it can bring fame, fortune and happiness. He set to work on a series of psychology texts and The Secret of the Ages, released in 1926, was the first to explore this theory. It was a runaway best-seller.
In the book Collier plots the course his readers need to follow in order to achieve their ultimate goals. Karen McCreadie's brilliant interpretation of Collier's book illustrates the timeless nature of Collier's theories and brings the original to life with twenty-first century examples. Today's readers will discover:
* The power of intuition;
* The good news for couch potatoes;
* How thought is the direction but emotion the fuel;
* Why invisible things really matter;
* That age is irrelevant.
Collier was one of America's original success gurus. Full of wise, unusual advice and offering a sideways look at the world The Secret of the Ages continues to open our eyes to our individual potential and show us how to make the most of our lives. This interpratation of Robert Collier's The Secret of the Ages is not a substitute for the original. Its purpose is simply to illustrate the timeless nature of Collier's insights into human potential by bringing them to life in a contemporary context. Karen McCreadie's inspired and inspiring reworking of The Secret of the Ages is an entertaining and practical guide to one of the most influential self-help books of all time.

George S. Clason's The Richest Man in Babylon is an early twentieth century classic about financial investment and monetary success. It rapidly became one of the best-selling books of all time. Through a series of enlightening parables set in the heart of ancient Babylon Clason provided his readers with economic tips and tools for financial success. Karen McCreadie's brilliant interpretation of Clason's masterpiece offers twenty-first century readers 52 simple, powerful and proven techniques to manage their finances. Inside you will discover:
* How to create opportunity and become lucky with money;
* Ways to make your skills and talents financially rewarding;
* How to balance risk and reward to keep your finances healthy
and secure;
* Why radical action is often necessary in order to turn your
finances around;
* How to distinguish good debt from bad debt and detox your finances.
This interpretation of George S. Clason's The Richest Man in Babylon is not a substitute for the original. Its purpose is simply to show the timeless nature of Clason's insights by bringing them to life in a contemporary context. Karen McCreadie's brilliant interpretation of The Richest Man in Babylon is an entertaining accompaniment to one of the most influential books on personal finance ever written.

Published in 1776, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations was the first comprehensive treatment of political economy. Today it is considered one of the most influential books ever written and its author is regarded as the father of classical economics. Smith did for economics what Darwin did for science. Here Karen McCreadie interprets this inspiring book for the modern day world of finance, business and economics, illustrating the timeless nature of Smith's insights by bringing them to life with twenty-first century examples. Modern readers will discover:
* How to improve productivity;
* How to avoid divisive management;
* Why you should pay your people well;
* The importance of long-range thinking;
* Why playing the lottery is no substitute for economic strategy.
While we cannot know what Smith would have made of the excesses of capitalism we've already witnessed in the twenty-first century, the range of ideas inside demonstrates that The Wealth of Nations is every bit as relevant today as it was in 1776.
This interpretation of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations is not a substitute for the original. Its purpose is simply to illustrate the timeless nature of Smith's insights by bringing them to life with contemporary examples. Given the continuing turbulence of the global economy this brilliant interpretation of a classic of political economy couldn't be more timely.

Frank Bettger's life is a classic rags-to-riches tale. As a child Bettger earned money to feed his family by selling newspapers on street corners, and he left school when he was only fourteen. His career as a professional baseball player was short-lived and he spent several years unsuccessfully trying to sell insurance. Yet despite his deprived background by the time he was forty Frank Bettger was one of the most highly-paid salesmen in America. His momentous decision to undergo a complete personal transformation by putting enthusiasm into everything he did helped him achieve legendary status as an insurance salesman. His 1947 book How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling reveals the secrets of his phenomenal transformation, and is a best-seller to this day. In this inspiring new interpretation Karen McCreadie demonstrates why Bettger's ideas are still relevant. Twenty-first century readers will discover:
* Why honesty really is the best policy;
* How enthusiasm can be infectious;
* The importance of creating confidence;
* Why smiling and sales go hand-in-hand;
* How to always remember your clients and make sure that they always remember you.
McCreadie explains why selling is still ultimately about people rather than business. This lucid, concise and jargon-free book shows you how you can adopt Bettger's original techniques and become a real sales ace. Frank Bettger's How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling illustrates the timeless nature of Bettger's insights into the sales process and human nature by bringing them to life with modern examples. This brilliant interpretation of How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success in Selling is an inspiring reworking of one of the most influential sales books ever written.