Book 71

Riemann Surfaces

by Hershel M. Farkas and Irwin Kra

Published 23 September 1980
This text covers Riemann surface theory from elementary aspects to the fontiers of current research. Open and closed surfaces are treated with emphasis on the compact case, while basic tools are developed to describe the analytic, geometric, and algebraic properties of Riemann surfaces and the associated Abelian varities. Topics covered include existence of meromorphic functions, the Riemann-Roch theorem, Abel's theorem, the Jacobi inversion problem, Noether's theorem, and the Riemann vanishing theorem. A complete treatment of the uniformization of Riemann sufaces via Fuchsian groups, including branched coverings, is presented, as are alternate proofs for the most important results, showing the diversity of approaches to the subject. Of interest not only to pure mathematicians, but also to physicists interested in string theory and related topics.

Book 245

The authors' aim here is to present a precise and concise treatment of those parts of complex analysis that should be familiar to every research mathematician. They follow a path in the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers by dedicating the book to a very precise goal: the statement and proof of the Fundamental Theorem for functions of one complex variable. They discuss the many equivalent ways of understanding the concept of analyticity, and offer a leisure exploration of interesting consequences and applications. Readers should have had undergraduate courses in advanced calculus, linear algebra, and some abstract algebra. No background in complex analysis is required.