Little Pot of Oil

by Jill Briscoe

Published 3 October 2003
Running on Empty? The Holy Spirit's empowerment comes when we step into the forward motion of God's love flowing through us--not backwards into our comfortable shell!

A time comes when we just don't have anything left over to give. We run out of faith, energy, strength, patience, options, peace, joy, ideas, and even love. So when God's call comes knocking and our resources seem thin, we tend to hole up and hide from the needs of others. But that's exactly when God's greatest blessing is within a single step, according to Jill Briscoe. He's asking us to obey, senseless as it may seem.

God has given us what we need to fill up when we run low. It’s the incredible gift of Himself. In this engaging book, Jill Briscoe guides you to a source of ample sustenance. Even as you empty yourself, the Holy Spirit will fill you. And in giving yourself away, you will find life.

The New Normal

by Jill Briscoe

Published 6 September 2005
Twin Towers Down, New Hope on the Rise

When the Twin Towers fell, a whole new world of fear and doubt emerged. “Where is God in all of this?” we ask. To be constantly on guard against terrorist attacks, not to mention crises that hit us on a personal level, is exhausting. But in the midst of this “new normal” world of fear, one thing remains the same: God still reigns. While we may be tempted to turn to food, shopping, busyness, even family, God is the only answer we can count on. He is our source for peace, comfort, and confidence in the midst of chaos. Jill Briscoe encourages the hurting and weary to run unencumbered into the arms of God. And this all-encompassing peace that may seem so elusive right now will become yours to stay.

Escape Fear

Expand Faith

Embrace the Future

Where is God in the midst of our world’s catastrophic events? Where is God in the midst of our deepest pain?

We may think we’re getting along with God, until a 9/11 happens. Global or personal, tragedy wreaks havoc on our souls. How are you supposed to trust the One letting it all happen?

The New Normal won’t give you pat answers. But it will guide you to a place of security in the face of inexplicable calamity. By being honest about your anxieties, willing to respond to God’s instruction, and ready to take a leap of faith, you’ll find a new, hope-filled future waiting for you. It’s the new normal you’ve been longing for.

Story Behind the Book

“I was in the air on September 11, 2001 . More than anything for me, the event served as a wake up call to evangelism,” says Briscoe. “I realized the time is short and the days are evil…the Lord is coming soon! So let’s seize the day!” Based on a sermon she gave at Elmbrook Church soon after that day etched itself in history, The New Normal speaks to an America in shock, but with a message that is even more pertinent today.