In the last few decades, homosexuality has moved from the margins of society to the mainstream. In response to this cultural shift, Christian apologist and radio host Kerby Anderson sorts through myths to deliver the facts on homosexuality and the social impact it has had on families, the church, schools, and traditional marriage. With a balance of God's truth found in the Bible and a desire to reach out to homosexuals, he answers key questions about homosexuality, including: What percentage of the population is homosexual? Is homosexuality the worst of all sins? Did Jesus remove God's condemnation of homosexuality? Is there a connection between gay teens and suicide? What are the causes of homosexuality? Anderson also looks at the spiritual aspects of homosexuality and offers practical suggestions for Christians seeking to reach out to gay and lesbian friends and loved ones. This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to better understand the roots, goals, and implications of homosexuality and the pro-gay movement.

Every Christian feels the effects of the spiritual warfare that takes place in the unseen, supernatural dimension. It's felt when temptation strikes. It's felt in the struggles between making right and wrong choices. It's felt through a wide variety of influences all around us. How can believers protect themselves? Current issues expert Kerby Anderson surveys the Bible's guidelines for dealing with spiritual warfare and provides answers to the hard questions people are asking: What is the key to victory over temptation and sin? Is Satan for real, and how does he influence us? Can a believer be demon possessed? What do angels do, and how are they different from people? How can Christians keep from being spiritually deceived? This clear and concise guide deals with the many misconceptions people have about Satan, demons, angels, and spiritual warfare. A helpful resource for standing strong in the faith.

Readers today are eager for accurate information about Islam in the midst of a fog of political correctness. In nine short chapters, respected Point of View radio host J. Kerby Anderson draws on years of research and experience to clear up misconceptions, address concerns, and provide a biblical perspective on the world's second largest religion. He answers questions about the basic beliefs and structures of Islam and offers guidance about the Christian response:

  • What are the five pillars of Islam?
  • What are the main teachings of the Qur'an?
  • Does the Qur'an promote suicide bombers and martyrdom?
  • How do Muslims view the Christian world?
  • What is the extent of the threat from radical Islam?

Readers will discover a fuller picture of the Muslim faith and the role of Islam in the world, as well as helpful advice for reasoning with Muslims from the Qur'an and the Bible about Jesus.

Intelligent design is a big topic of debate in the educational, political, scientific, and religious arenas. But why? Is it in opposition to evolution? Does it represent Creationism? Author and national director for Probe Ministries, Kerby Anderson, explores the arguments, the truths, the myths, and the vital questions readers should be asking about intelligent design. Is intelligent design science or religion? How did naturalism become the dominant philosophy? What don't evolutionists want to admit? Is there a scientific foundation for intelligent design? How does intelligent design compare to biblical creation? With a clear and detailed presentation of information, Anderson guides readers through intelligent design and naturalism to help them form their opinions, enter into the discussion, and stand on a foundation of historical facts, present day findings, and valuable insight.