Book 1

An updated edition of the eye-opening guide to anti-aging, with a new chapter on fascia, which will publish in time for Miranda Esmonde-White’s PBS pledge drive in June 2018 focusing on the topic.

"Every day, we have a very clear choice: We can grow older or we can grow younger."

In recent years the field of aging research has exploded with new clinical findings. Many widely accepted ideas about aging—including those about the inevitability of our declining metabolism, our dying brain cells, and our deteriorating muscles and bones—have been debunked. Today we know that the physical signs of aging are far more a product of lifestyle choices than of calendar years. Aging Backwards offers an exciting and comprehensive plan for actively slowing down and even reversing the aging process through gentle exercise that develops strong, flexible muscles.

Why focus on strengthening muscles? Because as Miranda Esmonde-White, PBS fitness personality and creator of the Essentrics technique, explains, our muscle cells are the keys to our longevity. The powerhouses of our cells, the mitochondria, keep us looking and feeling young—and muscle cells contain more mitochondria than any other part of our body. If we can keep our mitochondrian fires burning, our muscles—not to mention our bones, hearts, lungs, and skin—can all experience the vitality of youth. And the best news of all is that it takes just thirty minutes a day of gentle exercise to keep muscles strong. 

With eight basic age-reversing workouts that build core strength, lengthen and tone muscle, increase flexibility, and speed weight loss, Aging Backwards offers the information and tools to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Book 2

Forever Painless

by Miranda Esmonde-White

Published 15 November 2016
End chronic pain-for good-with this practical guide from the PBS personality behind Classical Stretch and author of the New York Times bestseller Aging Backwards. Chronic pain is the most common cause of long-term disability in the United States. Twenty percent of American adults accept back spasms, throbbing joints, arthritis aches, and other physical pain as an inevitable consequence of aging, illness, or injury. But the human body is not meant to endure chronic pain. Miranda Esmonde-White has spent decades helping professional athletes, ballet dancers, and Olympians overcome potentially career-ending injuries and guiding MS patients and cancer survivors toward pain-free mobility. Now, in Forever Painless, she shows everyone how to heal their aching bodies and live pain free. The root of nearly all pain is movement-or lack thereof. We need to move our bodies to refresh, nourish, and revitalize our cells. Without physical activity, our cells become stagnant and decay, accelerating the aging process and causing pain.
People who suffer chronic pain often become sedentary, afraid that movement and activity will make things worse, when just the opposite is true: movement is essential to healing. In Forever Painless, Miranda provides detailed instructions for gentle exercise designed to ease discomfort in the feet and ankles, knees, hips, back, and neck-allowing anyone to live happier, healthier, and pain-free no matter their age.

Book 3

Fast Track

by Miranda Esmonde-White

Published 26 March 2019

A 30-day anti-aging program for rapid results using the fundamental movements and principles of the bestselling Aging Backwards, featuring an accelerated program for turning back the clock. The field of aging research has exploded with new clinical findings. Many misconceptions about aging—including the beliefs that disease, immobility, and pain are inevitable—have been debunked. Today, we know that the choices we make, from what we eat to how much and how we move, play a critical role in healthy aging.

PBS fitness personality and bestselling author Miranda Esmonde-White created her breakthrough exercise program, Essentrics, more than twenty years ago. In that time, she has helped everyone from professional athletes to breast cancer survivors to weekend warriors heal and recover from injuries using her gentle Essentric stretching and exercise method that consists of movements that engage all of the body’s muscles and connective tissues.

In Aging Backwards: The Fast Track, Miranda offers readers systematic workouts to supplement and accelerate the original program, along with new information on the latest anti-aging science to help keep us strong, fully mobile, and looking and feeling young. Using her 30-day fast-track program, you’ll see rapid results in increased mobility, strength, flexibility, body shape, pain relief and overall health. Aging Backwards: The Fast Track empowers everyone—young and old, athletic or sedentary—with the information and tools to slow down the clock and keep it there.