Presentation Skills

by Phil Lowe

Published 29 June 1992
This text describes a one-day workshop in presentation skills. It covers workshop design, definition of a presentation, writing a presentation, the use of the voice, articulation, the use of the body and the effects of posture.

Empowering Individuals

by Phil Lowe

Published 30 September 1994
Containing the material for a complete, one-day training session, this workshop provides an explanation of the buzzword "empowerment", aiming to give managers a sound grasp of the advantages obtained by empowering employees. It includes group exercises designed to put skills into practice. The two-volume work contains information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, and notes on case studies and exercises. The teacher's guide contains paper masters of transparencies, handouts and exercises, a reading list and a timetable and preparation guide. The participant's guide which accompanies this work contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including notes, exercises, case studies and work and action sheets. Topics considered during the day's programme include the role of the manager in the empowerment process, increasing employee involvement, assessing competency and the training needs of staff, building commitment in the work unit and creating self-directed teams.

Coaching and Counselling Skills

by Phil Lowe

Published 30 September 1994
Containing the material for a complete, one-day training session, this workshop provides managers who must train staff with an overview of coaching and counselling skills. Group discussion seminars and exercises give participants the opportunity to practice the roles of coach and mentor. The two-volume work contains information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, and notes on case studies and exercises. The teacher's guide contains paper masters of transparencies, handouts and exercises, a reading list and a timetable and preparation guide. The participant's guide which accompanies this work contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including notes, exercises, case studies and work and action sheets. Topics considered during the day's programme include why coaching is important, the difference between instructor and mentor, basic coaching skills, and problem-solving.

This course takes participants through the stages of problem solving and gives them the opportunity to tackle problems from their own work. The aim of this workshop package is to provide participants with an understanding of, and opportunity to practice, the tools and techniques required for creative and effective problem solving. By the end of the course, participants will be able to accurately define the extent and nature of a problem, use creativity technique to generate potential solutions and apply the most appropriate criteria to select the best solution. The Trainer's Guide contains: information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, paper masters of transparencies, handouts and exercises, teaching notes on case studies and exercises, and a reading list. The Participant's Guide, which can be purchased in multiple or photocopied to hand out to each delegate, contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including details of the scope of the course, notes to topics discussed, exercises and case studies, and work and action sheets.
Among the issues covered in the package are: a problem solving model, problem identification and definition, creativity and generating options, and evaluation and selection options.

This one-day workshop will enable trainers to show supervisors and managers how to best handle, implement and manage safety practice in the workplace, particularly in the office environment. The package is based around a number of case studies and is appropriate for managers working in all sectors of industry. It also includes handouts covering the latest EC directives and legislation. The trainer's guide contains information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, paper masters of 16 transparencies, 2 handouts, 5 exercises, teaching notes on case studies exercises and a reading list. The participant's guide, which can be purchased separately or photocopied to hand out to each delegate, contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including details of the scope of the course, notes to topics discussed, exercises and case studies, and work and action sheets.

Leadership Skills

by Phil Lowe

Published 31 March 1995
These two volumes contain a complete resource kit for the running of a one-day training session on leadership skills. The structure of the workshop revolves around the introduction of each topic by the tutor, followed by individual or group work and feedback or general discussion. The kit has been designed to provide a company with a cost effective alternative to sending delegates on out-of-house training programmes. The objectives of this workshop are for participants to understand why leadership is important, to be familiar with the components of effective leadership, and to be able to manage the implementation of their goals. The training methods and materials in this package include informal lectures, group and individual work, workbook exercises, case studies and role-play and pre-and post-course reading. An instructor's guide which accompanies the kit contains teaching aims, lecture guides, instructions for the handling of different materials, teaching notes on the case studies used, and supplementary materials such as hand-out masters.
There is also a participant's guide, which contains details of the course, notes on the topics discussed, exercises, case studies and work sheets.

Containing the material for a complete, one-day training session, this workshop provides participants with an overview of the skills required at each stage of the recruitment process. Emphasis is placed on the recruitment interview itself. The two-volume work contains information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, and notes on case studies and exercises. Among the topics covered are: the criteria for screening applicants; job descriptions and employee specifications; and valuable data to be gained from the interview. The participant's guide which accompanies this work contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including notes, exercises, case studies and work and action sheets.

Performance Management

by Phil Lowe

Published 2 March 1993
Designed for trainers running in-house courses on performance management, this workshop training programme guides participants through the steps that lead to effective management. It outlines the performance management cycle and trains participants in the key skill areas, including the objectives of the performance review, preparation for a review, employee involvement, conducting an appraisal interview and the follow-up procedures.

Selling Skills

by Phil Lowe

Published 19 January 1994
Containing the material for a complete, one-day training session, this workshop provides participants with an opportunity to examine all aspects of client contact, from the "cold call" through to the face-to-face sales meeting. The two-volume work contains information on the teaching aims and methods of the course, and notes on case studies and exercises. Among the topics covered are: making initial contact; the telephone call; the letter; sales meetings; sales psychology and customer follow-up. The participant's guide which accompanies this work contains all that the participant needs to gain maximum benefit from the course, including notes, exercises, case studies and work and action sheets.