Book 1

Woman of Power

by Toni Sands

Published 14 February 2013

Book One of The Knight Shades Trilogy by chart-topping erotic romance author Toni Sands

Hot knights astride magnificent stallions parade their skills before beautiful ladies whose cleavages plunge as deep as their desires. Arcandos is a strange mix of medieval and decadent. Sir Gavin didn’t ask to be catapulted there by wicked enchantress Sibilla. Especially when she spells danger for every gentle knight who takes her fancy. How can Gavin beat her at her own sinful game of souls and return to his own world? Lust turns to true love. Jousting and fencing bouts lead to knightly bonding. But Gavin’s desire for the unattainable spells banishment. Where will the enchantress hurl him next? 

Book 2

Wicked Woman

by Toni Sands

Published 21 March 2013

Book Two of The Knight Shades Trilogy by chart-topping erotic romance author Toni Sands

Sir Gavin, banned from the Jupiter stronghold, is forced to see where the witch Sibilla sends him next. When a luscious lady requests a favour, what’s a knight to do? But soon he’s thrust into a bleak, frozen landscape where nights are long and women easily bored. Destiny throws his friend Tev into the mix again and their bond remains strong as they determine to outwit the enchantress. But Gavin changes tactics and receives startling information convincing him he must regain the trust of his true liege lord and fight Sir Tiernan’s cause. Only then can he hope to end this bizarre game.

Book 3

Unforgettable Woman

by Toni Sands

Published 16 May 2013

Book Three of The Knight Shades Trilogy by chart-topping erotic romance author Toni Sands

Gavin's destiny beckons as he fights for the Jupiter cause. Lady Amara has a baby son and pledges love to her husband, though she dreams of her lusty young knight. Gavin, still hungering for her, contemplates chastity but is tempted by an exotic dancer who rescues him from jail, so he can help quell the rebels before confronting the enchantress. After a freak accident kills their liege lord, Gavin and the others rally around Amara and the young prince. When she receives a marriage proposal, will the child's true father, his future set within the Jupiter stronghold, make his opinion clear?