Book 92

An up-to-date overview of reflectometers used for optical spectroscopy of various kinds of liquids, ranging from well-known transparent liquids to "pathological" industrial liquids. The book reviews and explains basic materials for anyone wanting to get to know the theory, spectral analysis and modern devices needed for the measurement of refractive index and absorption of liquids. Moreover, the book gives an introduction to reflectivity from optically nonlinear liquids such as liquids containing nanoparticles.

Book 110

TheKramers-Kronigrelationsconstitutethemathematicalformulationofthe fundamental connection between the in-phase to the out-of-phase response of a system to a sinusoidal time-varying external perturbation. Such connection exists in both classical and quantum physical systems and derives directly from the principle of causality. Apart from being of great importance in high energy physics, statistical physics, and acoustics, at present the Kramers-Kronig relations are basic and widely-accepted tools for the investigation of the linear optical properties of materials, since they allow performing the so-called inversion of optical data, i.e. acquiring knowledge on dispersive phenomena by measurements of absorptive phenomena over the whole energy spectrum or vice versa. Since the late '80s, a growing body of theoretical results as well as of experimental evidences has shown that the Kramers-Kronig relations can be adopted for e?ciently acquiring knowledge on nonlinear optical phenomena. These results suggest that the Kramers-Kronig relations may become in a near future standard techniques in the context of nonlinear spectroscopy. Thisbookisthe?rstcomprehensivetreatisedevotedtoprovidingauni- ing picture of the physical backgrounds, of the rigorous mathematical theory, and of the applications of the Kramers-Kronig relations in both ?elds of l- ear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Some basic programs written for the 1 MATLAB environment are also included. This book is organized as an argumentative discourse, progressing from the linear to the nonlinear phenomena, from the general to the speci?c s- tems, and from the theoretical to the experimental results.

Book 116

The invention of lasers in the early 1960s enhanced the rapid development of optoelectronics which had introduced various optical measurement methods. A typical example of the methods is found in measurements of velocity. It is well recognized that optical velocity measuring methods have important advantages, such as noncontacting and nondisturbing operations, over c- ventional methods employed previously. These fundamental advantages are indicated by the enormous research e?ort which has gone into their devel- ment for many years. One of the optical methods proposed and studied to measure the velocity is laser Doppler velocimetry which was proposed in the early 1960s and extensively studied by many investigators and is at present applied to practical uses. Another is spatial ?ltering velocimetry which was also proposed in the early 1960s and studied by a number of investigators. In comparison with laser Doppler velocimetry, spatial ?ltering velocimetry had not received much attention from investigators but was studied steadily by several research groups mainly in Japan and is now practically used in various ?elds of engineering. Several important books on laser Doppler velocimetry have already been published, but there has been no book on spatial ?ltering velocimetry. This book is the ?rst contribution to spatial ?ltering velocimetry. Therefore, the Introduction of Chapter 1 provides in detail a historical review of spatial ?ltering velocimetry, relating it to other optical methods and discussing its practical relevance. In the book following Chap.