Genre: Modern animal story

Learning Objectives:

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Explore how particular words are used.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Make adventurous word choices appropriate to the style of the text (e.g. action verbs).

Genre: 'just so' story

Learning Objectives: 

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Use syntax and context to build their store of vocabulary when reading for meaning.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Draw on knowledge and experience of texts in deciding how to write (e.g. how to write a ‘just-so’ style story).

Genre: Modern animal story

Learning Objectives: 

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Explore how particular words are used.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Make adventurous word choices appropriate to the style of the text (e.g. action verbs).

Genre:  Realistic story

Learning Objectives: 

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Give some reasons why things happen or characters change.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Select from different presentational features to suit particular writing purposes (e.g. shopping lists and recipes).