The Case for Faith

by Lee Strobel

Published 26 September 2000
Was God telling the truth when he said, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart"? In his #1 bestseller The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel examined the claims of Christ, reaching the hard-won verdict that Jesus is God's unique son. In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief-the eight "heart barriers" to faith. This Gold Medallion-winning book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. "Everyone-seekers, doubters, fervent believers-benefits when Lee Strobel hits the road in search of answers, as he does again in The Case for Faith. In the course of his probing interviews, some of the toughest intellectual obstacles to faith fall away." -Luis Palau "Lee Strobel has given believers and skeptics alike a gift in this book. He does not avoid seeking the most difficult questions imaginable, and refuses to provide simplistic answers that do more harm than good."
-Jerry Sittser, professor of religion, Whitworth College, and author of A Grace Disguised and The Will of God as a Way of Life

The Case for Christ

by Lee Strobel

Published 18 August 1998
A SEASONED JOURNALIST CHASES DOWN THE BIGGEST STORY IN HISTORY Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates who are specialists in the areas of old manuscripts, textual criticism, and biblical studies. Strobel challenges them with questions like How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event? Strobel's tough, point-blank questions make this bestselling book read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure. What will your verdict be in the The Case for Christ? "Lee Strobel probes with bulldog-like tenacity the evidence for the truth of biblical Christianity." Bruce M. Metzger, PhD, Professor of New Testament, Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary

The Case for Grace

by Lee Strobel

Published 1 April 2014
"Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God's redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the how and why behind God's amazing grace"

"My road to atheism was paved by science...ironically, so was my later journey to God."

Journalist and award-winning author of The Case for Christ Lee Strobel examines the idea that science isn't the enemy of faith, but that it provides a solid foundation for belief in God. New scientific discoveries point to the incredible complexity of our universe, a complexity best explained by the existence of a Creator.

This six-session video study invites participants to encounter the evidence of a Creator. Join Strobel in reexamining the theories that once led him away from God. Pastors, small group leaders, and individuals seeking resources that answer tough questions about the existence of God and the claims of rationality will find compelling answers in The Case for a Creator study, investigating probing questions like:

  • Where do science and faith overlap or agree?
  • As a form of knowledge, what are the weaknesses of science and rationality?
  • How much can I depend on science while still have a thriving faith?
  • Is faith in God ever based on rationality?

Sessions and video run times include:

  1. Science and God (10:00)
  2. Doubts about Darwinism (16:00)
  3. The Evidence of Cosmology (12:00)
  4. The Fine-tuning of the Universe (13:00)
  5. The Evidence of Biochemistry (11:30)
  6. The DNA and the Origin of Life (12:30)

This pack contains one study guide and one DVD.

There's proof a man named Jesus of Nazareth once walked the earth, but opinions on who he was vary widely. Was he really the Son of God, or was he a nice guy who did some positive things on earth, or was he possibly an unstable man? And how can you know for sure what is true and what is false when it comes to what you’ve read or been told? Lee Strobel decided to investigate the real, historical Jesus and gather irrefutable evidence on everything connected to him so you can discover the biblical truth for yourself.

A great prophet. A rebel. The Messiah. A crazy lunatic. Someone who never existed at all. All of these phrases describe different people's views of Jesus, and various ancient documents have been discovered and various books have been written by scholars that seem to support each version. Not to mention all the arguments that say the Bible can't be trusted as a reliable source of information on Jesus. So what are you supposed to believe—and why?

Lee Strobel wanted the provable, undeniable truth, so he decided to return to the investigation he began in The Case for Christ and explore a variety of new angles to find out once and for all who the real Jesus was. Inside are interviews with numerous biblical scholars and once-zealous doubters about the most common arguments against Jesus, discussions of how reliable Scripture really is, examinations of unearthed ancient texts that appear to counter the gospels, and the evidence that shows who Jesus really was and continues to be in our world. Explore the case for yourself and decide: Is the real Jesus the one the Bible has proclaimed all along?

The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition:

  • Presents the arguments for and against who Jesus is that teens and young adults often ask and encounter so they can see the real facts
  • Uses logic and solid information to examine why Christians believe what they do
  • Presents Christian philosophy and core theology in an apologetic for teens
  • Can also be used in the classroom, small groups, bible studies, or as a family devotional
  • Contains infographics and charts to make the concepts clear

Check out these other books from Lee Strobel for young adults:

  • The Case for Christ Student Edition
  • The Case for a Creator Student Edition
  • The Case for Faith Student Edition
  • The Case for Miracles Student Edition
  • The Case for Grace Student Edition

The Case for Easter

by Lee Strobel

Published 1 February 2004

Did Jesus of Nazareth really rise from the dead?

Of the many world religions, only one claims that its founder returned from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of Christianity.

But a dead man coming back to life? In our sophisticated age, when myth has given way to science, who can take such a claim seriously? Some argue that Jesus never died on the cross. Conflicting accounts make the empty tomb seem suspect.

How credible is the evidence for-and against-the resurrection? Focusing his award-winning skills as a legal journalist on history's most compelling enigma, Lee Strobel retraces the startling findings that led him from atheism to belief. He examines:

The Medical Evidence-Was Jesus' death a sham and his resurrection a hoax?

The Evidence of the Missing Body-Was Jesus' body really absent from his tomb?

The Evidence of Appearances-Was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross?

Written in a hard-hitting journalistic style, The Case for Easter probes the core issues of the resurrection. Jesus Christ, risen from the dead: superstitious myth or life-changing reality? The evidence is in. The verdict is up to you.

En Defensa de Jesús

by Lee Strobel

Published 6 September 2016

An enlightening follow-up to the bestselling book The Case for Christ, In Defense of Jesus follows award-winning journalist Lee Strobel as he explores the most explosive arguments against the identity of Christ as the Messiah.

Has modern scholarship debunked the traditional Christ? Has the church suppressed the truth about Jesus to advance its own agenda? What if the real Jesus is far different from the atoning Savior worshiped through the centuries?

In Defense of Jesus explores such hot-button questions as:

Did the church suppress ancient non-biblical documents that paint a more accurate picture of Jesus than the four Gospels?Did the church distort the truth about Jesus by tampering with early New Testament texts?Do new insights and explanations disprove the resurrection?Have fresh arguments disqualified Jesus from being the Messiah?Did Christianity steal its core ideas from earlier mythology?

Evaluate the arguments and evidence being advanced by prominent atheists, liberal theologians, Muslim scholars, and others. Sift through expert testimony. Then reach your own verdict with In Defense of Jesus.

This title is also available in Spanish, En defense de Jesus.