Book 20

Diese Ubersieht soll die wesentliche Literatur uber Ubichinon und einige chemisch nahe v:erwandte naturliche Chinone bis etwa Oktober 1961 referieren. Der Name Ubichinon (englisch Ubiquinone) wurde von MORTON und Mitarb. (II3) fUr eine Substanzgruppe der allgemeinen Formel (I) vorgeschlagen. In MORTONS Arbeitskreis wurde die betreffende Substanz anfanglich als "Substanz SA" bezeichnet (Io8). Wie sieh aus spateren o II H3CO",/~~CH3 3112 4 116 CH 3 /"'/'" I H3CO III (CH2-CH=C-CH2)n-H o (1.) Untersuchungen ergeben hat, waren nicht aIle als SA bezeichneten Substanzen untereinander identisch; die verschiedenen Praparate unter- schieden sich in der Lange der Polyisopren-seitenkette oder durch Ersatz einer der beiden Methoxylgruppen durch Athoxyl (vgl. SS. 78 und 101 ff.). Nach einem Vorschlag von MORTON und Mitarb. (III) sollen die ver- schiedenen von (I) sieh ableitenden naturlichen und synthetischen Ubichinone, die sich nur in der Anzahl der Isoprenreste in der Seiten- kette unterscheiden, in Anlehnung an die in der Vitamin-K-Reihe ubliche Nomenklatur, dadurch gekennzeichnet werden, daB die Anzahl der C-Atome in der Seitenkette hinter dem Namen Ubichinon in Klammern angegeben wird; z.
B. Ubiehinon-(50} fUr das Derivat mit IoIsopren- resten usw. Bisher wurden in der Natur die Glieder mit n = 6, 7, 8, 9 und 10 aufgefunden.

Book 68

The objective of this ASI was to bring together specialists in several complex variables (many of whom have contributed to complex potential theory) and specialists in potential theory (all of whom have contributed to several complex variables) together with young researchers and graduate students for an interchange of ideas and techniques. Not only was the status of current research presented, but also the relevant background, much of which is not yet available in books. The following topics and interconnections among them were discussed: 1. Real and Complex Potential Theory. Capacity and approximation, basic prop- erties of plurisubharmonic functions and methods to manipulate their singularities and study their growth, Green functions, Chebyshev-type quadratures, electrostatic fields and potentials, propagation of smallness. 2. Complex Dynamics. Review of complex dynamics in one variable, Julia sets, Fatou sets, background in several variables, Henon maps, ergodicity, use of potential theory and multifunctions. 3. Banach Algebras and Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy.
Analytic multi- functions, spectral theory, analytic functions on a Banach space, semigroups of holomor- phic isometries, Pick interpolation on uniform algebras and Von Neumann inequalities for operators on a Hilbert space. The basic notion of complex potential theory is that of a plurisubharmonic function.

Book 80

Since the late 1950's when proton n. m. r. spectroscopy was first used in organic natural products studies the technique has increasingly con­ of this important area of chemistry. tributed to the rapid advancement Although the potential utility of 13C n. m. r. was recognized very early, essentially no application of 13C n. m. r. appeared in the literature prior to 1966 and 95% of the existing data are less than five years old. The initially slow growth had its cause in inadequate instrumentation, insufficient sensitivity being the main obstacle. This situation drastically changed with the advent and commercial availability of broadband ex­ citation and Fourier transform methods, giving natural-abundance 13C n. m. r. and its numerous chemical applications a tremendous impetus. Today BC spectra can be recorded on sample quantities down to the submilligram level, which until recently even withstood proton n. m. r. Paralleling the development of experimental techniques considerable progress has also been made on an understanding of spectral parameters, in particular their stereochemical implications on natural products. Although the large majority of data present up to now deals with known structures, an adequate basis now exists which allows the chemist to use the technique for tackling real problems on unknown molecules.