These classic designs, inspired by the exquisite illuminated manuscripts, can be used by craftspeople, artists, needleworkers and all those interested in creating their own original ideas and projects.

These classic ornamental designs, inspired by the exquisite work in early manuscripts, can be used by craftspeople, artists, needleworkers and all those interested in creating their own original ideas and projects.

A rich source of ideas and inspiration for all craftspeople and artists - these designs can be used as stencil or embroidery patterns, stationary designs, furniture decoration, glass painting guides or whatever your imagination chooses. The designs can be photocopied, traced, coloured, adapted or used as inspiration for originating your own designs. They can be enlarged or reduced for a particular project, and will stand up well to reproduction at any scale. Individual designs in the book are copyright-free, and may be used without further payment, permission or acknowledgement. The reader purchases such rights when they buy the book. Packed with beautiful Art Nouveau designs - flowers and leaves, birds and animals, figures, borders and frames...and more.

A beautifully illustrated photocopiable collection of decorative Art Nouveau borders and motifs - flowers, plants, birds, animals and more. These classic designs can be used by craftspeople, artists, needleworkers and all those interested in creating their own original ideas and projects.

These timeless designs can be used by craftspeople, artists, needleworkers and all those interested in creating their own original ideas and projects. Judy Balchin has put together a selection of wonderful borders which can be used to embellish crafts, embroidery, ceramics, art and more.