The Not For Tourists Guide to Paris is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood dream guide designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy Parisians, commuters, business travelers, and, yes, tourists too.

The book includes everything from restaurants, bars, shopping, and theater to information on hotels, airports, parks, transportation, and landmarks. Need to find the best Parisian bakeries around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top vintage clothing stores in the city? We've got that, too. The nearest movie theater, art gallery, or coffee shop-whatever you need, NFT puts it at your fingertips. This pocket-sized book also features:

* A foldout Metro map
* More than two dozen neighborhood maps
* Details on parks and places
* Listings for arts and entertainment hot spots

All written by locals, for locals. It is the indispensable guide to the city. Period.

The Not For Tourists Guide to Los Angeles is the essential urban handbook that thousands of Los Angelenos rely on daily. The map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood guidebook divides the city into fifty-seven mapped neighborhoods and pinpoints all of the essential services and entertainment hot spots with NFT's user-friendly icons.

Want to drive around the palm tree-peppered concrete jungle like a pro? NFT has you covered. How about sunbathing on a beach? We've got that, too. The nearest Hollywood club, holistic health practitioner, sports outing, or shopping destination-whatever you need-NFT puts it at your fingertips. The guide also includes:

*A foldout highway map covering all of Los Angeles
*More than 150 neighborhood and city maps
*A guide to TV and movie studio locations
*Listings for the best shopping destinations

Everything from supermarkets, cafes, bars, and gas stations, to information on twenty-four-hour services, beaches, public transportation, and city events-NFT will help you find a boutique for an Oscar gown and then show you how to get there.

The Not For Tourists Guide to Brooklyn is a map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood approach to New York's most dynamic borough. The Brooklyn guide covers sixteen neighborhoods, with information on services and entertainment venues: everything from restaurants, movie theaters, bagel shops, and bars to landmarks, art galleries, transportation, and parks. Want to eat the best Mexican tacos and Salvadoran pupusas? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the hippest coffee houses and coolest bars? We've got that, too. The nearest beach, hidden park, pizza place, or bookstore-whatever you need-NFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features:* A foldout map that covers the entire borough, including streets, subways, and buses* More than seventy-five neighborhood maps and profiles* Listings for nightlife hot spots* Details on museums and sports* Essential Brooklyn books and moviesThis guide is a must-have for all Brooklynites and their outta-town visitors.