Book 1

Little Woodford

by Catherine Jones

Published 1 March 2018
A new village drama full of life, love... and secrets. Perfect for fans of Jill Mansell and Emma Burstall.
Little Woodford has a sleepy high street, a weekly market, a weathered old stone church and lovingly tended allotments. A peaceful, unexciting place, the very heart of middle England.

In Little Woodford no one has fingers in more pies than Olivia Laithwaite, parish councillor, chair of the local WI, wife, mother and all round queen bee. So of course it's Olivia who is first to spot that The Beeches has been sold at last.

Soon rumours begin to swirl around the young widow who has bought this lovely house. Why exactly did she leave London with her beautiful stepdaughter and young sons? Are they running from someone? Hiding something? Though if they are, they won't be the only ones. Sometimes the arrival of newcomers in a community is all it takes to light a fuse...

Book 2

The second in Catherine Jones's wonderful series about the goings-on behind the facade of the market town of Little Woodford.

The market town of Little Woodford seems peaceful and beautiful, with its thriving high street, ancient church and immaculate allotments. But behind this facade, troubles are brewing.

Olivia Laithwaite has come down in the world, thanks to her gambling husband. she hates the modern showbox they've moved into and knows she must now humble herself to apply for a local job.

Miranda Osborne has arrived with a flourish in Little Woodford and bought Olivia's beloved Grange. Now she starts to throw her weight around - objecting to everything, from the church bells to the local market stalls. It isn't long before the town is in turmoil.

'Delicious ... A cracking story. I absolutely loved it' Emma Lee-Potter.

Book 3

Gordon and Maxine's dreams of a blissful life of gardening, pub lunches and quiet retirement in the charming market town of Little Woodford are ruined when three very demanding members of their family come home.

First up is daughter Abi and her unassuming partner Marcus. Abi is determined to move back to Little Woodford and only the perfect house will do. What could be better than parking with Mum and Dad, while she drives local estate agents and builders mad?

Then comes Judith, Maxine's high-flying sister. A crisis has driven her, sobbing, to Little Woodford. Surely Gordon and Maxine have room for her to stay while she sorts things out?

Lastly, the mother-in-law from hell, Anthea, has a fall in her rambling old house. After a spell in hospital, it looks as if there is only one place she can go...

Never mind bliss, there is no peace to be had! Can Gordon and Maxine find a way to restore harmony in their home?