Fleabag Monkeyface is back (and he’s grosser than ever!) in his second zany, comic adventure.

WARNING: GAS MASKS AT THE READY! In his second hilarious cartoon adventure, Fleabag Monkeyface and his creators Gene and Gerald must save the world from filth and their arch-rivals, the Smugleys. When a toxic explosion turns super-clean Mr Smugley and his family into dirt-loving villains intent on ruling the world, the terrific trio are the only ones who can stop them. But is Fleabag’s Gross Out power enough to defeat the First Family of Filth and their ruler, King Pong?

A zany, comic adventure with cartoon illustrations and a most unlikely hero of gross-out proportions: Fleabag Monkeyface!

A zany, comic adventure with cartoon illustrations and a most unlikely hero of gross-out proportions: Fleabag Monkeyface! Warning! Contains Hazardous Material! Gerald and Gene love all things gross and yucky – so when their favourite TV show, Yucky Science, runs a competition to find the world's grossest gloop, they spring into action. But when lightning strikes their revolting concoction, a strange new creature appears from the wreckage: Fleabag Monkeyface! With amazing gross-out powers, Fleabag becomes Gerald and Gene's new best friend. But can even Fleabag save the day ... when Earwax attacks?