Book 1

Z 2134

by Sean Platt and David Wright

Published 11 December 2012
It is the year 2134 in a dystopian America, following a series of zombie plagues which infected and decimated much of the world’s population starting 100 years ago.

Those left, formed six walled Cities throughout the continent, all under the rule of a totalitarian government which enforces strict control over its populace.

You must obey your government.
You must be a good citizen.
You must be a productive citizen.
You must not break the law.

Or The City Watch will find you and arrest you.

Jonah Lovecraft, a former Watcher, was arrested for the murder of his wife. And like most criminals, he has one chance at freedom — to participate in The Darwin Games, a televised survival show which pits two players from each city against one another in The Barrens, the uninhabited areas outside the City Walls.

He’ll also have to face another enemy — the zombies which still roam The Barrens.As he fights for his freedom against impossible odds, his daughter, Anastasia, stumbles into people who have information about her father — information which will change her life forever.

But it will also put her in the crosshairs of her father’s enemies.

Z 2134 is the first part of a new dystopian thriller from the bestselling authors of Yesterday's Gone. Make sure to check out Z 2135, the next chapter of this harrowing tale, out now, and the final part of the trilogy, Z 2136, out in Spring 2014!

This book was initially released in episodes as a Kindle Serial. All episodes are now available for immediate download as a complete book. Learn more about Kindle Serials

Book 2

Z 2135

by Sean Platt and David Wright

Published 7 January 2014
The Darwin Games are over. The battle for survival has just begun…

The Lovecraft family is in ruins. Their convict father, Jonah, roams The Barrens, near starvation, in search of his daughter Ana. Only the hope of seeing her again keeps him alive.

Meanwhile Ana, Liam, and Duncan have found temporary relief at a camp outside The Walls. Inside City 6, Jonah’s young son, Adam, has been co-opted by Jonah’s enemy, Chief Keller, and is being groomed as a City Watch spy.

Between the terrifying zombies roaming The Barrens — monsters created by the plague that destroyed the Old Nation — and the ruthless, manipulative government that controls everything and everyone within the City Walls, no one is safe. Z 2135 is both a frightening vision of a dystopian future and a heartening tale of family, hope, and humanity. The newest season from Sean Platt and David Wright is as captivating as it is terrifying.

Book 3

Z 2136

by Sean Platt and David Wright

Published 2 September 2014
Several months after Jonah’s death, Adam Lovecraft is once again following in his father’s footsteps, this time as a contestant in the infamous Darwin Games. In The State’s latest iteration of The Games, the odds of survival are slimmer than ever before, and Adam soon finds himself pairing up with an old friend of Jonah’s.

Meanwhile Ana, Liam, and Katrina’s escape from Hydrangea has not gone unnoticed, adding to their struggles to not only survive, but find Adam before it’s too late. But when they pick up some unexpected new allies during a thwarted rescue attempt, they get more than they bargained for. Now that Ana knows she could be the key to stopping the zombie plague that has brought humanity to its knees, can she trust anyone?

Questions will be answered and fates will be determined in the thrilling final installment of Sean Platt and David Wright’s series that began with Z 2134.