Book 16

1, 2, and 3 John

by John Calvin and Matthew Henry

Published 27 May 1998

Calvin and Henry's work has been abridged and stylistically adapted for today's readers, while carefully preserving the original meaning and message of the expositors.

Book 17

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

by John Calvin

Published 12 November 1998

John Calvin still speaks through this Crossway Classic Commentary, where he explores Paul's pastoral counsel to two younger apostles on church and doctrinal issues. Abridged and adapted for today's reader.

Book 19


by Matthew Henry

Published 12 March 1999

Henry explores Revelation's imagery and symbolism as the church is reminded of God's sovereignty in accomplishing his will. A Crossway Classic Commentary, abridged and adapted for today's reader.

Book 22

1 and 2 Thessalonians

by John Calvin

Published 17 September 1999

The great Reformer studies key passages of the epistles to the believers at Thessalonica. This excellent resource has been edited and abridged for today's reader. A Crossway Classic Commentary.