Listen and Learn

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 11 November 2004
Knowing how to listen is essential to learning, growing, and getting along with others. Simple words and inviting illustrations help children develop skills for listening, understand why it s important to listen, and recognize the positive results of listening. Includes a note to teachers and parents, additional information for adults, and activities.

Share and Take Turns

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 11 November 2004
Sharing is a social skill all children need to learn the sooner the better. Concrete examples and reinforcing illustrations help children practice sharing, understand how and why to share, and realize the benefits of sharing. Includes a note to teachers and parents, additional information for adults, and activities.

What s the best way to solve problems between people? By talking them over and working them out. It s never too soon for children to learn the process of peaceful conflict resolution. This book distills it into clear, simple language and supporting illustrations. Children learn to calm themselves, state the problem, listen, think of solutions, try one, evaluate results, and even agree to disagree when a solution isn t possible. Includes conflict resolution skillbuilding games and role plays for adults to use with children. Now children and adults can enjoy our most popular Learning to Get Along books in English and Spanish. The Free Spirit Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for all homes, childcare settings, and primary classrooms as well as special education, including settings with children on the autism spectrum. Presented in a social story format, each of the bilingual Learning to Get Along books includes a special section for adults in both English and Spanish, with discussion questions, games, activities, and tips that reinforce improving social skills.

A child who can t follow rules is a child who s always in trouble. This book starts with simple reasons why we have rules: to help us stay safe, learn, be fair, and get along. Then it presents just four basic rules: Listen, Best Work, Hands and Body to Myself, and Please and Thank You. The focus throughout is on the positive sense of pride that comes with learning to follow rules. Includes questions and activities adults can use to reinforce the ideas and skills being taught."

It s never too soon to learn the difference between what s true and what isn t. Words and pictures help young children discover that being honest in words and actions builds trust and self-confidence. They also learn that telling the truth sometimes takes courage and tact. Includes discussion questions, skits, scenarios, and games that reinforce the ideas being taught.

Everyone gets angry, so it s never too early for children to learn to recognize feelings of anger, express them, and build skills for coping with anger in helpful, appropriate ways. Children learn that it is okay to feel angry but not okay to hurt anyone with actions or words. They discover concrete skills for working through anger: self-calming, thinking, getting help from a trusted person, talking and listening, apologizing, being patient, and viewing others positively. Reassuring and supportive, the book helps preschool and primary-age children see that when they cool down and work through anger, they can feel peaceful again.

Reassuring and supportive, this book helps preschool and primary children learn concrete social skills for anger management and discover that when they cool down and work through anger, they can feel peaceful again. The English-Spanish editions from the popular Learning to Get Along series help children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations and lots of diversity make these read-aloud books appropriate for homes, childcare settings, and primary and special education classrooms. Presented in a social story format, each bilingual book includes a special section for adults, with discussion questions, games, activities, and tips that reinforce improving social skills.

Understand and Care

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 15 August 2003
Empathy is key to positive, healthy relationships. This book builds empathy in children. In clear, child-friendly words and illustrations, it helps them to understand that other people have feelings like theirs--and different from theirs. It guides children to show they care by listening to others and respecting their feelings. Includes questions to discuss and empathy games to play.

Try and Stick with It

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 1 September 2004
It s hard to try new things for adults as well as children. It s even harder to stay the course when something is more difficult than we thought it would be, or when things don t work out the way we hoped. Yet flexibility and perseverance are essential to success in all areas of life, at all ages and stages. This book introduces children to the benefits of trying something new and the basics of stick-to-it-iveness. Includes suggestions adults can use to reinforce the ideas and skills being taught.

Be Polite and Kind

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 11 November 2004
When children are kind, courteous, and respectful, people enjoy being around them and reciprocate with the same behavior. This book helps kids understand the importance of showing politeness, speaking kindly, using basic courtesies ( please, thank you, excuse me ), and respecting the feelings of others. Scenarios and role-play activities help adults reinforce the book s lessons.

Join in and Play

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 11 November 2004
It s fun to make friends and play with others, but it s not always easy to do. You have to make an effort, and you have to know the rules like ask before joining in, take turns, play fair, and be a good sport. This book teaches the basics of cooperation, getting along, making friends, and being a friend. Includes ideas for games adults can use with kids to reinforce the skills being taught.

Be Careful And Stay Safe

by Cheri J. Meiners

Published 15 November 2006
The world can seem so perilous, especially where our children are concerned. But even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies. Without scaring kids (or alarming adults), this book teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. Includes questions, activities, and safety games that reinforce the ideas being taught.