Book 2

Mission Trip Impossible

by Mike Thaler

Published 20 January 2009

Church Summer Cramp

by Mike Thaler

Published 19 January 2009

Church Harvest Mess-tival

by Mike Thaler

Published 1 August 2010
A boy who loves to celebrate Halloween discovers the fun of attending a church party, instead, dressed as a Biblical character.

Vacation Bible Snooze

by Mike Thaler

Published 1 May 2010
A boy relates some of his misconceptions when his mother tells him he must attend vacation Bible school.

Easter Egg Haunt

by Mike Thaler

Published 20 January 2009
A young boy and his Sunday school classmates learn about the true spirit of Easter while decorating eggs for the church Easter egg hunt.

The Three Wise Guys

by Mike Thaler

Published 21 September 2010
A wise-cracking boy is recruited to play one of the wise men in the Christmas pageant.

When his Sunday School teacher urges him to try out for the church choir, a boy faces such concerns as being a tenor though he is only nine, memorizing verses and reverses, and wearing a gown.