A Communicator’s Toolkit for Teaching the Old Testament Having the right resources gives you a powerful edge in communicating the message of the Old Testament effectively in this media-driven, sensory-intensive culture. You’ll learn how to effectively connect with the minds, imaginations, and hearts of your listeners. Designed to maximize your connection and impact, it is a communicator’s toolbox for teaching your congregation 32 life-changing messages from the Old Testament. It is a stand-alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with the Exploring the Old Testament Bible study series to facilitate a nine-month church wide study of the Old Testament. Based on Pastor John Ortberg’s OTC series at the New Community services of Willow Creek Community Church, this teaching resource will enable churches to raise the level of biblical literacy and understanding among its congregation. * Historical, cultural, and geographical backgrounds unlock the meanings of Bible passages. Transport your listeners thousands of years into the past so they can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the ancient world. * Illustrations, humorous stories, and word pictures engage the imagination and emotions, bringing home the timeless message of the Old Testament with clarity and freshness. * Creative applications help listeners make the leap from learning Old Testament lessons to living the Christian life. The genius of this teaching guide is its flexibility. Customize your messages from a treasury of resources. This revolutionary tool provides up to 16 categories of material for each message. No need to spend countless hours doing research—a wealth of ideas and resources lies at your fingertips! The preaching and teaching guide includes: •Creative Message Ideas •Heart of the Message •Heart of the Messenger •Historical Context Notes •Illustrations •Interpretive Insights •Life Applications •Narrative on Life •Narrative on the Text •New Testament Connections •On the Lighter Side •Pause for Prayer •Pause for Reflection •Quotable Quotes •Significant Scriptures •Word Studies

Creating a New Community

by John Ortberg

Published 30 August 2010
Our hearts hunger for order and a sense of belonging in the chaos of life. We long for community. Deep inside us, we yearn to connect with God and with those around us. That’s not surprising—it’s a reflection of God’s own longing. Guiding you through the first five books of the Bible, this participant’s guide reveals God’s passionate desire for intimacy with his people and among his people.The Truth for Today small group series is a high-impact tool for discovering the power and relevance of the Old Testament. This innovative series combines Bible study with an enjoyable, interactive format to help you and your group experience God’s Word as it really is: energetic, immediate, and life-transforming. Other Truth for Today small group studies:Stepping Out in Faith: The History of Israel (7 Sessions)Developing a Heart for God: The Wisdom Books (8 Sessions)Pursuing Spiritual Authenticity: The Prophets (8 Sessions)

Stepping Out in Faith

by John Ortberg

Published 30 August 2010

Developing a Heart for God

by John Ortberg

Published 24 August 2010
God has a heart that is intent on loving his children. He also longs for his followers to grow to love him and others with all their heart. This participant’s guide to the wisdom books of the Old Testament takes you on a journey from romance to human sorrow and reveals the pathway to loving God each step of the way.The Truth for Today small group series is a high-impact tool for discovering the power and relevance of the Old Testament. This innovative series combines Bible study with an enjoyable, interactive format to help you and your group experience God’s Word as it really is: energetic, immediate, and life-transforming. Other Truth for Today small group studies:Creating a New Community: The Torah (9 Sessions)Stepping Out in Faith: The History of Israel (7 Sessions)Pursuing Spiritual Authenticity: The Prophets (8 Sessions)

Does God really speak to people? Can we still hear his voice and follow his leading in a way that will bring transformation to our lives? Do the words of God connect in a way that will penetrate the human heart and shape us into all we hope and dream we can become? The answer is a crystal-clear yes!The words of the prophets trumpet across the centuries, calling us to authentic spiritual lives. God longs to see his character mirrored in each of us. This small group study takes you though the words of the prophets and unveils truths that will help you enter new levels of spiritual maturity. The Truth for Today small group series is a high-impact tool for discovering the power and relevance of the Old Testament. This innovative series combines Bible study with an enjoyable, interactive format to help you and your group experience God’s Word as it really is: energetic, immediate, and life-transforming. Other Truth for Today Small Group Discussion GuidesCreating a New Community: The Torah (9 Sessions)Stepping Out in Faith: The History of Israel (7 Sessions)Developing a Heart for God: The Wisdom Books (8 Sessions)