The Protectors

by Pete Johnson

Published 1 October 1998
Josh and Andy sign up to become Anti-bullying Counsellors because they see it as a chance to skive. But, when they discover that younger pupils are being terrorised by a gang, they are determined to help the victims. They form 'The Protectors', a band of non-violent vigilantes determined to bring justice to the school. Josh and Andy break up the bullying gang but this gives them a taste of power. Slowly, insidiously, the protectors themselves become the abusers.

Ten Hours to Live

by Pete Johnson

Published 27 March 1995
Eighteen-year-old Ben tells the story of the end of a relationship. As he waits through a long, lonely day waiting to find out whether or not his girlfriend will come back to him, he recounts their past history. We learn how Ben set out to do his 'white knight on a charger' act to rescue the lovely Sophie, and how he then blows the whole relationship with one cruel and careless remark. Shows the fragility of first love from the male point of view.

The Hero Game

by Pete Johnson

Published 4 August 2005
Teenage Charlie has always hero-worshipped his grandfather, who was one of the Battle of Britain pilots. But when he starts tracking down his grandfather's old wartime chums, he discovers that his hero belonged to the fascist Blackshirts before the war - and there are photos to prove it. His grandfather at first denies it, but Charlie is determined to get him to face the truth, though it nearly breaks their relationship. And Charlie has to come to terms with the fact that even heroes can make mistakes. He learns this again when a friend of his becomes pregnant, together with the fact that however much you want to be a hero, sometimes there's nothing you can do to help.