Book 1

Where's Nancy?

by Carolyn Keene

Published 1 May 2005
Where's Nancy?
Nancy was going to tell you about this big mystery, but she disappeared. Poof. Just like that.
So now Bess, Ned, and me, George, have the Case of the Missing Detective on our hands. We've got to find Nancy!
Let me tell you, this sleuthing thing is no joke. We've worked with Nancy on lots of cases, but we've never had to do it ourselves -- and the stakes have never been so high. We think this might have to do with that possible museum theft Nancy was talking about -- we're just not sure yet. But we're woking on it.
Wish us luck!

Book 2

Once Upon a Crime

by Carolyn Keene

Published 1 May 2006
Once upon a crime, in a faraway land know as River Heights...

Hi, it's me, Nancy Drew. I thought meeting my hero, mystery writer Hazel Perrault, would be a dream come true. As soon as I found out she was joining forces with a local charity to build a community center for wayward teen girls, I knew I wanted to help.

But instead of building and decorating, I'm, stuck doing all the cooking and cleaning for all the other volunteers! Yuck! Worse yet, I have a hunch that someone is trying to sabotage the project -- and the big fund-raising gala at the end of it.

My fairy-tale adventure is turning into a nightmare, and if I can't solve this mystery, I'm not sure any of us will be able to live happily ever after....

Book 3

Real Fake

by Carolyn Keene

Published 1 June 2007
When Bess and George dared me to try out for the new reality TV show Mystery Solved!, I never thought I'd actually get picked. But the next thing I knew, I was off to Paris for the shoot.

I was all set for a fun-filled adventure in the City of Lights...until I started getting creepy e-mails from a strange address. It looks like the real mystery is going on behind the scenes.

The other contestants are so eager to win, I wonder how far they're willing to go. There's Chen, a video game designer and master hacker; Tyler, a businessman who will do anything to make a buck; Wendy, an aspiring actress who seems smarter than she's letting on; and that's only the beginning.

I just hope I can separate fact from fiction and avoid these obnoxious cameras long enough to figure out what's up.