Book 48

Despite the many celebrated victories of the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815), the role of the Royal Navy should never be overlooked. The 'wooden walls' formed the country's first and most important line of defence, and ranged throughout the world to protect Britain's trade-routes and in support...Read more

Book 72

If the leading player of the Napoleonic Wars was Bonaparte himself, then a cast of colourful generals ably supported him. In the first of two volumes devoted to the most influential of the first empire's military leaders, the author summarizes the career of each commander and individual characters. This...Read more

Book 164

The British Army that faced Napoleon in the Peninsula was small by continental standards, but it consistently out-fought larger French armies, never losing a major open-field action.

Book 196

During the Napoleonic Wars all the major combatants fielded large numbers of light cavalry. These nimble, fast-moving regiments performed a variety of vital roles, from reconnaissance and keeping contact with the enemy during the movement of armies, to raiding, skirmishing, and the pursuit to destruction of beaten enemies. In...Read more

Book 215

In an age when infantry units manoeuvred and fought in rigid blocks, the idea of encouraging initiative and allowing a unit to 'skirmish' was regarded as revolutionary and fell out of favour in the years following the French-Indian and American Revolutionary wars. It was revived by far-sighted British and...Read more