Escape From Fort Isaac

by Bill Williams

Published 28 February 2003

Killer Brothers

by Bill Williams

Published 30 September 2004
Ben Gleason, nearing the end of a long prison sentence for killing the man who had murdered his father, is told that his younger brother has been sentenced to hang in five days' time. In a desperate attempt to save his brother, Ben escapes and starts the long journey home. He faces danger and temptation before his journey ends in a tragic discovery. Instead of preparing to start a new life, reunited with his family and the woman he hoped to marry, Ben experiences a living nightmare. He discovers that all his troubles are linked to the Carlisle family. Kelvin Carlisle is a ruthless businessman who has no regard for people or the law in his quest to earn his name a place in history. Kelvin's son Errol saves Ben's life and is hailed as a hero but Ben still dislikes him. He is now faced with the prospect of having to kill the brother he came home to save. But before then Ben may well face the hangman's noose himself.


by Bill Williams

Published 31 July 2007
Carl Brannigan was banished from his home by his pa even though he was cleared by a jury of killing his best friend, Robert Henshall. Brannigan returns home four years later, and he has changed from the rebellious youngster and aims to become a lawman. He receives an unexpected welcome from his pa and learns that the Henshall family had brought about the ruin of his pa's cattle ranch by denying his herd access to the water and grazing on Henshall land. The Brannigan name is involved in fresh shame, but this time it isn't Carl who is the accused. Carl overcomes local resentment and becomes a deputy marshal, hoping that it will help him clear the family name and bring the real culprits to justice. Life is good, but now he must face the threat of his past.

Killings at Latana Creek

by Bill Williams

Published 31 May 2005
Following a desperate plea, retired United States marshal Ned Thomas rides to Letana Creek to help an old friend who fears he will be the next victim of a serial killer. But in doing so, Ned unwittingly makes matters worse for his friend's family and puts his own life in danger. It will take all of Ned's guile and experience to solve the mystery surrounding the series of killings. He will also have to face a separate danger when the Molloy brothers are unexpectedly released from prison, hell-bent on having their revenge against him. But those who unwisely write him off as an interfering has-been are sorely mistaken...

Good Son Bad Son

by Bill Williams

Published 28 February 2011
Seth Grainger always hoped that his sons, Scott and Leo would inherit the ranch he dedicated his life to, making it one of the biggest in Wyoming. However, his dreams are shattered when Scott becomes the prime suspect in a murder, following an argument over a beautiful woman. Leo Grainger sets out in search of his brother, but his motives are unclear. Is he really the good son to Scott's bad son, or are things more complicated than they first appear? One thing is for sure - there is drama ahead for the Grainger family. Seth Grainger faces the prospect of a double tragedy and a dilemma of unimaginable consequences as he struggles to keep his family together.

Kidnap in Dalham

by Bill Williams

Published 31 January 2005
Deputy United States Marshal Ned Thomas is awaiting the arrival of two men who plan to kill him, when he receives an assignment from the US Army. He is to report to General Stanmore in Dalham. But why has he been chosen, despite the mutual hatred which exists between the two men? Nevertheless, and despite being tempted to disobey orders, he travels to Dalham. Within a single day, he goes from hero to suspected killer and is initially sentenced to hang. But his sentence is commuted to life imprisonment at the notorious Yukron Valley State Penitentiary, where many would have preferred a quiet death. Now he must face danger from every quarter. Can he distinguish friend from foe and can he clear his name? Only time will tell.

Three Men to Kill

by Bill Williams

Published 31 December 2001
Harvey Jack Denton was only seventeen when tragedy turned him from a sensitive boy into a man who would take the law into his own hands. With a gun to hand he feared no man and he was determined to avenge what happened to his sister. Justice would be done - whatever the cost!