Another marvelous tale of passion and otherworldly occurrences centered around the mysterious Dirk and Steele Detective Agency—as a tormented young woman with the precognitive power to foresee terrible futures must place her own fate in the hands of a mesmerizing prince of the sea.
"Zoufalství. Epätoivo. Asa. Three words in three very different languages, and yet Soria understands. Like all members of Dirk & Steele, she has a gift, and hers is communication: That was why she was chosen to address the stranger. Strong as a lion, quick as a serpent, Karr is his name, and in his day he was king. But he is a son of strife, a creature of tragedy. As fire consumed all he loved, so an icy sleep has been his atonement. Now, against his will, he has awoken. In English, the word is despair. But Soria knows the words for love."--p.[4] cover.
This title is an exciting new installment to Marjorie M. Liu's award-winning "Dirk & Steele" series, in which high stakes and sizzling passion keep readers riveted.
From bestselling author Marjorie M. Liu, here comes an exciting new installment to her award winning "Dirk and Steele" series in which high stakes and sizzling passion keep readers riveted.