Book 1

Ride a Wild Heart

by Peggy Moreland

Published 20 April 2001

Cowboy Pete Dugan never thought he' d see the woman whose beautiful face had haunted him ever since their brief, turbulent affair. Now he' d come face-to-face with Carol Benson again, but this time a secret lurked in her green eyes- a sadness he was determined to soothe...

Now that Pete was back, with lingering looks and seductive touches, Carol had a heck of a time remembering she had secrets that needed to be kept. Still, her heart told her to lean on his broad shoulders once more. And she was helplessly falling in love...

Book 2

Slow Waltz Across Texas

by Peggy Moreland

Published 15 June 2001

World rodeo champ Clayton Rankin had honorably married Rena when she' d gotten pregnant...

hell, he' d given the twins his name! What more could a wife want? Cuddles? Well, cowboys don' t take too easily to cuddles. But Rena needed tenderness- and Clayton would do anything to keep his woman. So he' d darn well convince his beautiful Texas bride that he was 100% husband material. Even if it meant a lifetime of tenderness...