Book 23

Project: Twilight

by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

Published 30 August 2001

Book 38

Travelling with his beloved companion, Rose Tyler, the Doctor discovers a cache of weapons left behind after the Time War that destroyed his people. To his horror he finds they are being bought and sold on the black market! Worse, a new and mysterious force are policing time, making use of the power vacuum left by the Time Lords' disappearance to shape history to their own ends!

Book 45

Project: Lazarus

by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

Published 6 June 2003

Book 139

Project: Destiny

by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

Published 30 September 2010

Masters of Earth

by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott

Published 30 November 2014
A new full cast adventure for the Sixth Doctor and companion Peri Brown The year is 2163. Ten years since the Daleks invaded the Earth. One year until the Doctor, in his first incarnation, will help bring the occupation to an end. But for now, their reign of terror goes on. The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Peri to Scotland - enslaved, like everywhere else on the planet. But there are rumours of Dalek-free islands off its coast. When the Doctor falls in with an unlikely group of freedom fighters making that dangerous journey to Orkney, he finds himself trapped - but not only by the Daleks, their robotised henchmen and their human collaborators. By history. Because history shows that for another year, resistance is useless...The rebellion must fail - and as a Time Lord, the Doctor can do nothing to help

Team TARDIS are in hot pursuit of a monster they accidentally sent back to the 1970s (or was it the 1980s?),but there are more monsters than they ever could have imagined...and they're being controlled by an unknown source!Then the search for Jack's missing memories takes the TARDIS to 17th Century Brazil! Will Jack find what he seeks, and keep the trust of his friends?

The NU-Humans

by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

Published 1 May 2014