Son of Thunder

by Stig Holmas

Published 17 May 1990
A well-researched novel of conflict and change set in the rugged Apache homeland in southern Arizona during the time of Cochise and Geronimo. Orphaned when he is only two days old, Son-of-Thunder is caught up in the desperate struggle of his adopted family to maintain their way of life.

Apache Pass

by Stig Holmas and Anne Born

Published 29 September 1994
A young Chiracahua Apache boy witnesses grave insults to Cochise by a U.S. military officer, as he and his people struggle to defend their traditional homeland in southern Arizona from invaders.

The People of the Rising Sun

by Stig Holmas

Published 26 September 1996

Fire Wagons

by Stig Holmas

Published 2 November 1995