Book 3


by Oliver Caviglioli and Ian Harris

Published 1 January 2000
Wise up, and get informed access to the most powerful accelerated learning technique around - Model Mapping. Whatever your current concerns may be - raising boys' achievement, NC tests or GCSE results - behind them lies a fundamental need to improve thinking skills through teacher explanation and student understanding. MapWise, which is based on the 'MapWise' course run by the authors, will help you to meet this need through Model Mapping. Model Mapping offers the most effective means of addressing National Curriculum thinking skills requirements by infusing thinking into subject teaching - it is the key to increasing your school's capacity for learning. In MapWise you will find out how Model Mapping: infuses thinking skills into subject delivery; supports each stage of the accelerated learning process; can be used to measure and develop intelligence; supports students of any preferred learning style in developing essential learning skills; supports teacher explanation and student understanding; makes planning, teaching and reviewing easier and more effective.

Our classrooms are filled with the thinking citizens of tomorrow. How in touch are you with thinking skills and how central are they to your teaching? This booklet is designed to function in two ways: as an aide-memoire for those who are already familiar with the world of thinking skills; and as a simple overview for those to whom thinking skills is a new area. Reaching Out To All Thinkers presents the full spectrum of thinking skills techniques and strategies - both old and new, offering a wealth of straightforward ideas to try in the classroom as well as plenty of 'food for thought'. The booklet draws on the work of major thinking skills figures such as de Bono and Feuerstein, and includes: practical strategies for creating better thinking habits both in the classroom and in the world beyond school; the link between creativity and thinking; the theory behind thinking skills; the mechanics of thinking; visual tools to aid thinking; how to model effective thinking to your pupils. This is an essential booklet for all teachers. Without thinking, there is no learning.