This book provides information and advice about the effective use of ICT to assist children and teenagers with Down syndrome. Supported by extensive experience, it offers practical information in an accessible format. This book identifies the importance of the use of computers in the education of children with Down syndrome at home and at school. The computer utilises the strengths of children with Down syndrome, as they are visual learners and can often demonstrate understanding when they can choose (by pointing or selecting) rather than explain the answer. Many children become skilled at computer use from their preschool years and are able to use a mouse and keyboard competently. This book provides guidance on the choice and use of computers and on the selection of suitable software. Examples of software currently available to support learning across the curriculum are included, with illustrations. It also emphasises the value of the computer in supporting independent learning and group work in the classroom. This book is intended for use by parents and teachers. This book is intended to be used by parents and professionals.
It is designed to be read in conjunction with other books in the "Down Syndrome Issues and Information" series. "Down Syndrome Issues and Information" is a major series of practical and informative books covering the full range of developmental, health and social issues relating to individuals with Down syndrome. The books have been written by many of the world's leading experts and are based on years of research and hands-on experience.