Book 6

The Greek Tycoon's Mistress

by Julia James

Published 1 April 2003
Theo Atrides is wealthy, powerful and sucessful. Leandra has no intention of being his next conquest. But when they are forced to spend a week together on his private island, Theo decides to do whatever it takes to make Lea surrender. Faced with his relentless plan of seduction, she finds the challenge of resisting the gorgeous Greek playboy too much to bear....

Book 15

The Greek's Ultimate Revenge

by Julia James

Published 1 September 2004
Greek tycoon Nikos Kyriades is hell-bent on revenge - and he's planned it down to the very last detail...

Book 31

Bought For The Greek's Bed

by Julia James

Published 1 April 2007
When Vicky Peters agreed to become Mrs Theo Theakis, she knew that the marriage would be purely convenient! Theo would get a society bride and in return Vicky would get a lump sum to help her charitable company. Theo knows that her presence in his bed, at his disposal, will be money well spent...

The Greek's Virgin Bride

by Julia James

Published 1 August 2003
Andrea's grandfather has found her a husband! Having promised her to bachelor tycoon Nikos Vassilis as part of a business deal, her grandfather has already set the wedding plans in motion. But Andrea is fiercely independent and has no intention of being ordered into a marriage of convenience.