The fox is confident he will win the forest foot race, but he soon regrets relaxing and eating ice cream before the race while the other animals were practicing.

Todos los animales se preparan para la Gran Carrera.

Paren de Discutir!

by Gladys Moreta

Published 1 January 2012

Cuentos de Pesca

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012
Sergio is nervous about interacting with his friends after he lies to his class about catching a gigantic fish during summer vacation.

Para quedar bien ante su grupo en la escuela Sergio dice una mentira pero luego se siente avergonzado.

Vamos a Acampar

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2011
CJ se burla de su amigo, Aldo, por tener miedo del oscuro, pero no quiere admitir que él, también, tiene miedo.

While camping in the backyard, CJ makes fun of his friend Aldo for being scared of the dark, but finds it hard to admit that he is scared as well.

Carlos Javier y sus amigos se van a acampar.

La Casita del Árbol

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012
A group of friends thinks of ways to save their favorite treehouse which is set to be destroyed so that a mall can be built where it stands.

Unos niños descubren una forma de salvar la casita que tienen en un árbol del bosque cuando alguien amenaza con destruirla.

In this story, trouble arises from students collecting and trading popular items.

A veces jugar a intercambiar tarjetas puede ocasionar problemas entre amigos, ¿cómo se puede resolver esta situación?