Book 1

As "Mac" McAllister reports for duty with the Oregon State Police, he must face the grittiness of real life . . . and discover that no situation, no matter how dark, is too big for God.

Book 2


by Patricia H. Rushford and Harrison James

Published 10 August 2004

Mac is dealing with three difficult cases, two dead bodies . . . and a decision of the heart. 

It’s been just three months since Detective “Mac” McAllister solved his first homicide case with the Oregon State Police. Now he’s working the search for a ski instructor who has mysteriously disappeared. The man’s parents claim their son wouldn't have committed suicide, but they suspect his girlfriend of something sinister.

The case gets more complicated when Mac and his partner, Kevin, are called to investigate a homicide nearby that may or may not be related. A few days later, a body turns up in the Columbia River, and the autopsy reveals surprising information about the victim's suspicious death.

When their investigation seems at a dead end, Mac is determined not to let the crimes go unsolved—even if it means putting his life on the line to catch the killer. 

  • Full-length Christian suspense novel
  • Book #2 of the McAllister Files, but can be read as a stand-alone

Book 3

Terminal 9

by Patricia H. Rushford and Harrison James

Published 27 February 2005

Two dead bodies. A web of conspiracies and cover-ups. A young detective, searching for answers to the case . . . and to his heart.

The body of a retired, wheelchair-bound rail yard worker has been discovered on the tracks near his home. A tragic accident--or murder?

Detective Antonio "Mac" McAllister and his new partner, attractive rookie Dana Bennett, suspect the worst. And their suspicions are confirmed when they encounter the complicated web of conspiracies and cover-ups that surround the cast, including burglary, arson, and yet another murder. Now Mac and Dana need to find the killer before he can destroy more evidence--or take anyone else's life.

Mac also needs answers to a personal life that is just as complicated. He still has feelings for Dana, but after a pleasant dinner with the eccentric medical examiner, he's more confused than ever. Though as his former partner and mentor reminds him, God has the answer that Mac doesn't--for this case, for Mac's doubts . . . and for the longings of his heart.

Book 4

A senator's family has been threatened--and now one of them is missing. Can Mac and Dana find Sara before it's too late?

The senator had raised this niece as his own daughter. So when she doesn't return home and her abandoned car is found in a parking garage, it alarms not only the family but law enforcement agencies throughout the Northwest. The only clue: a set of menacing letters sent to the senator's office. Now it's up to Oregon state police officers Mac McAllister and Dana Bennett and their team to find a lead . . . or to find Sara . . . before they find her dead.

The case will be made harder because not only must they share evidence with the FBI but navigate stand-offs between the government, Native American tribal customs, political pride, family intrigue . . . and even their own hearts. Meanwhile, two questions loom that, if answered, could provide the missing link in their investigation: First, is Sara a victim, or a dissatisfied wife who has run away? And second, is politics being used to mask a sordid truth, or has someone's passion for a cause possibly led them to violence?