Book 732


by Janelle Denison

Published 1 May 1999

Book 759

Christmas Fantasy

by Janelle Denison

Published 1 December 1999

Austin McBride's business was fulfilling women's fantasies, but he'd never indulged in one of his own. Then he met Teddy Spencer. She was smart, sexy...

and terrified of commitment. But she also needed him-to play the role of her lover at the company Christmas party. Austin was willing to take the long as he could convince her to make it a full-time position!

Book 799


by Janelle Denison

Published 26 September 2000

Brooke Jamison is finally going to get a life! Newly single, she's planning to shed her inhibitions and indulge all her romantic fantasies. But the only man in those fantasies is her oh-so-sexy ex-brother-in-law, Marc. So when he unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep, Brooke decides it's time to get Marc out of her dreams...and into her bed!

Marc Jamison has always been fond of his former sister-in-law. Only, Brooke is acting anything but sisterly now! Suddenly, shy, sensible Brooke has turned into Marc's own personal fantasy! And he's definitely enjoying helping her discover her sensual side! But will he still have a place in her life once she finds it?

Book 811


by Janelle Denison

Published 1 December 2000

Lawyer Ryan Matthews wanted sexy Jessica Newman the moment he saw her. And she seemed to want him, too, but something was holding her back. So now Ryan decides it's time to launch a sensual assault. He is going to have Jessica in his bed–and he isn't above tempting her with her own forbidden fantasies to do it….

Jessica isn't really playing hard to get. In fact, she's pretty sure a relationship with Ryan wouldn't work…although faced with Ryan's plan to seduce her senseless, she can't exactly remember why. She's constantly on edge, wondering what sensual scheme, what erotic pleasure Ryan has in store for her. She's definitely enjoying the chase–but does she dare let Ryan finally catch her?

Book 832

Seductive Fantasy

by Janelle Denison

Published 1 May 2001


After spending years making her computer company a success, Alexis Baylor is finally putting herself first! Through Fantasies Inc., she's arranged to indulge in a passionate, no-strings affair with a gorgeous stranger. Only, she never suspects that stranger of having a hidden agenda of his own....


Jackson Witt is going to make Alexis Baylor pay. Convinced she stole the technology that would have made him a mint, Jackson intends to steal something from Alexis-her heart. His plan is simple-to infiltrate her fantasy, seduce her senseless and then leave. Only, he hadn't

Book 844

Wild Fantasy

by Janelle Denison

Published 21 August 2001

Mitch Lassiter has lusted after Nicole Britton for years. So when he gets the chance to team up with Nicole in a fantasy version of Survivor, he's determined to do something about the raging chemistry between them.

Their objective-to explore each other's most intimate fantasies. Only, little does Mitch guess how many of Nicole's fantasies involve him....

Nicole Britton isn't looking for commitment- but she sure enjoys a good time. After a lifetime of trying to live up to her father's expectations, Nicole is out to please only herself. And seriously sexy Mitch definitely pleases her-in every way imaginable. For the duration of the contest, she's more than willing to indulge in a no-strings, anything-goes affair. But when the fantasy is over, will she be able to walk away?

Book 888

A Shameless Seduction

by Janelle Denison

Published 1 July 2002

Secretary Melodie Turner has languished in lust for her boss, P.I. Cole Sommers, for years...

and now she's going to do something about it! Cole might be able to resist her sassy new hairstyle, barely there lingerie and sexy new attitude. But when she takes a cue from his current case, seducing Cole's mind with highly erotic letters, she knows his body won't be very far behind....

P.I. Cole Sommers is definitely in over his head! He's got more cases than he can handle, but all he can think about is taking his secretary to bed. At every turn, Melodie is there, taunting him, teasing him, making him burn. But Cole had promised to protect her-even from himself. Only, he hadn't counted on being the target of Melodie's sensual assaults. Nor had he planned to lose his heart in the battle....

Book 947

Pure Indulgence Heat

by Janelle Denison

Published 1 October 2003