Book 1

Frankie, Peaches and Me

by Karen McCombie

Published 1 January 2001
Wish you were here! Stella, along with her mum, dad and mildly mad twin brothers, has just moved from buzzy London to the sleepy seaside town of Potbay. Not only has she had to leave her best mate Frankie behind but she's also kissed goodbye to Seb - only the guy she's ever liked. Still, Portbay's got its own charms; they might just take a little discovering...

Book 2

Sweet-talking TJ

by Karen McCombie

Published 20 August 2004
Dry your tears - Ally's World might be ending, but Stella Etc is just beginning. A brilliant new series from top combo Karen McC and Spike Gerrell, "Stella Etc" is a must for Ally's World fans who need their fix of Karen's humour and warmth, her spot-on depiction of pre-teen girls' lives and fresh, original voice but with a whole new cast of characters to get to know and love. Welcome to Ally's-World-on-Sea! Stella has just moved from London to a paint-peeling, past-its-sell-by-date, seaside resort town, which feels just around the corner from the back of beyond after Kentish Town. She comes to love it and its eccentricities and the characters she meet there - one new friend is added to the group in each book. This first book deals with the move from town to seaside and the leaving behind of best friend, Frankie. Peaches is the new character, a big, ugly ginger cat, who turns out to be possibly the most important character of all! Karen is thinking of "Stella Etc" as a 6-book series. A friend in need? Stella knows life in Portbay will be easier once she makes some friends. Trouble is, her new mate TJ only seems to want to be with her when there's no one else around!
But why's he so keen to hag out with a bunch of scary, older lads who spend most of their time laughing at him?

Book 3

Meet the Real World, Rachel

by Karen McCombie

Published 19 November 2004
Stella's new life in Portbay is going well. The only hassle is Rachel and her gang, who still manage to make Stella feel like she doesn't belong...Then all this weird stuff happens to Rachel and her so-called mates start avoiding her. Should Stella come to her rescue, or is that possibly the worst idea she's ever had?

Book 4

Truly, Madly Megan

by Karen McCombie

Published 15 April 2005
Megan whirls into Stella's life like the crazy cartwheeler she is. And she's going to whirl right out again, soon as her holiday in Portbay's over. But that doesn't mean that she, TJ, Rachel and Stella can't have some fun at the Portbay Gala before she goes...Oops, did someone say 'fun'? More like 'trouble'...

Book 5

Meet the Teen Queen of Shyness!

Amber has all the self-confidence of a very timid slug, so it's up
to Stella to work some makeover magic. And with a bit of luck and
a dollop of blackmail, she might just do it.

A sea-sidey, sun-shiney series from the bestselling author of ALLY'S

Book 6

Twists, Turns & 100% Tilda

by Karen McCombie

Published 20 March 2006
Spooky and spookier! Stella doesn't know whether to be fascinated or freaked out by the gloomy goth girl, Tilda. And she's got a few other things to figure out too - like who's behind the strange coded notes pinned up around town? This is a sea-sidey, sun-shiney series from the bestselling author of "Ally's World".

Book 7

Forever and Ever and Evie

by Karen McCombie

Published 5 February 2007
Home Sweet ...Home? Stella's back in London to see her old mates - yay! - and do a sneaky bit of detective work. But with a family mystery to solve, and Portbay weirdness following her every move, her big reunion isn't exactly turning out as planned. Will Stella find what she's looking for?

Extra Special Stella Etc

by Karen McCombie

Published 6 September 2010
Stella and her family have just moved from buzzy London to the sleepy seaside town of Portbay. Not only has she had to leave her best mate Frankie behind but she's also kissed goodbye to the only guy she's ever liked. Still, Portbay has its charms; they might just take a little discovering...These are two scrumptious books in one, from the best-selling Karen McCombie!

Stella Etc

by Karen McCombie

Published 1 May 2006