
by Jennifer Smith

Published 1 August 2004
Jennifer Smith argues that federalism is part of the democratic problemnow; however, reformed, it can be part of the solution. Since theoristsdisagree on the democratic credentials of federalism, it is essentialto look at how a real federal system operates. Smith examines theorigins of Canadian federalism and its special features, then analyzesit in relation to the benchmarks of the Canadian Democratic Auditproject: responsiveness, inclusiveness, and participation. Finding thatCanadian federalism falls short on each benchmark, she recommendschanges ranging from virtual regionalism to a Council of the Federationthat includes Aboriginal representatives. Democracy is about more thanthe House of Commons or elections. It is also about federalism. Thissparkling account of Canadian federalism is a must-read for studentsand scholars of Canadian politics, politicians and policymakers, andthose who care about Canadian democracy.